7. Lucius / Andrea

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I've just landed in New York and can I just say that I feel irritated and I know that by going to Wunder it would get worse. I was going to give  Iris an earful once I got there. I refused to be sent to people who were not worth my time .
Actually I refused to be sent period. I got at Wunder within minutes since traffic was light. Our building was  tall with seventy floors. My office was on the sixty fifth floor. I took the elevator to that floor. While in the elevator I got a message from Mr Lee a client of mine and I was glued to my screen as I walked out of the elevator and headed to my office. I was too caught up in what I was doing to realize someone was headed my way untill it was too late. I bumped into someone and then as if that was not enough something hot spilled on my chest. I closed my eyes and drew my hands to fists to keep from making any noise. Whoever the unlucky bastard was he or she would be lucky if I only fired them.

              💐💐     Andrea.  💐💐
As soon as I arrived Anne ,Mrs powers PA told me that Lucius would be here in two hours. Lucius Powers was son to Matthew and Iris Powers. He had an older brother Roman who was well known and didn't lift a finger without the  public knowing about it. He posted everything about his life on social media. His brother on the other hand was his polar opposite. He kept his life in wraps and it's as if he had an aversion to people and all things social. Not much was known about him so much so that I didn't know he  he looked like. I had grabbed a coffee and was on my way to my office when I bumped into someone and I ended up spilling all the hot coffee on them. Suddenly everyone around us stopped whatever they were doing and looked in our direction. It's like they had all held their breaths all at the same time . I could almost taste the anticipation that rolled off them in waves. Judging their reaction I could tell that whoever it was it was someone important. I looked up up and  up so the person was tall . All my fear  and all the apologies on my tongue took a back seat when I   looked at him . Sweet cheese was I hallucinating because there was no way he could be real. His deep brown,chin- length hair framed his face. His eyes were closed and his extraordinarily long and silken eye lashes rested on his impressive cheekbones. He had a straight nose and his lips promised petal soft kisses and even softer words. Then his eyes flew open and they sparkled with fury and I knew that I was in knee deep shit . As quickly as the fury appeared it dissolved into something softer. Was that surprise on his face ? No that couldn't be right . His perfectly sculpted brows knitted as if he was confused.
" Serena  ? " 
Who the hell was Serena? I just slightly shook my head and then the fury was back . He spoke without taking his eyes of me.
" I don't want to see anyone's pathetic shadow in the next three seconds. " You  know what was amusing is that he didn't even raise his voice  but boy did people move. People were literally running on top of each other's heads to get away from him . I'm sure that not even two seconds had passed and the hall was empty save the two of us. I looked at his shirt and it was like the stain was becoming bigger to remind me of what I had done
" Care to share the joke ?"  The man asked me . My face was schooled into neutrality but my laughing eyes must have been the dead give away . I just shook my head again too stunned to say anything.
" What do you think you are doing here ?"
" I work here sir."  I said with a breathy voice. The way he asked that question I don't know I felt there was more than he was letting on. Without warning he grabbed my wrist and we were off .

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