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It's Friday and I honestly can't believe that I made it through the first week without being arrested for murder. I have more self control than I give myself credit for. Its a perfect Friday evening because I'm with Lily she brought me to the newest bar in town.
We're just filling in each other on each other's lives and I'm venting to her about my 'amazing' boss.
"He did what ?" Lily nearly spits her vodka .
"Yeah you heard right he's a real piece of work," I mutter darkly and take a sip of my margarita to wash away the anger I'm feeling.
I'm explaining to her how the jerk got me in trouble during the board meeting.
" He's playing real dirty isn't he ? You gotta show him he can't walk all over you," she says.
"How do I do that without him kicking me out ?"
"Well for starters don't show him that he's getting to you even when he is,"
Yeah but I was already wiped from week one and I couldn't believe that I would be back there Monday.
Lily just holds my hand across the table and that small gesture warms me up from the inside especially with the warm smile she has on her face.
I sigh and slowly take my hand away from hers and change the topic of conversation.
"Enough about my boring life tell me about you  and London," I say with more pep than I'm feeling.
"Would you let me go refill my drink then I'll be all yours and I'll tell you everything you want ,"
"Sure ," I say .
"Do you want something ?" She asks as she rises. I just shake my head and then she disappears.
We're on the upper floor so I peep down below to the dance floor where people are just having a good time . Then my gaze finally rests at the island and I recognize his back way too quickly for my liking. I've only known him for a week yet I'm able to recognize that beautiful deep brown hair. Yes I said beautiful.
The man is gorgeous but damn he can be a real devil.  His back is to me and even in the absence of enough light I can see their is a tension in his shoulders.
Next to him is a gorgeous blonde who is all but rubbing her boobs on his arm. She might as well be wearing a rack sack and rubbing against a wall for all the reaction she elicited from him. I zero in on his lack of a reaction and then before I know it he pushes the blonde to the floor and is shouting something angrily at her. It's muffled by the loud music . I can't see the blonde's reaction but she gets out of their fast and she looks like she's just seen a ghost. Lucius sways a bit and I can tell he has had a little too much to drink. He settles back into his seat and continues to drink.
A few minutes later I spot four huge men headed in lucius' direction and not far behind is  a guy no older than twenty-five and the blonde tucked to his side.
She's wiping crocodile tears and all but bitching to her boyfriend about heaven knows what.
Whatever it is it won't be pleasant for Lucius. My limbs move to him before my brain can approve. I get to him just in time and I hope he won't smack out of sheer spite and I'm here to save his pompous ass. Showtime.
I engulf him in a hug and he instantly stiffens and I'm just praying he won't blow this up .
" there you are I've been looking for  you ," I say sweetly .
He grabs the arm that's around his neck meaning to pull it off but in the process he makes eye contact with meand freezes again .
I really don't know what he'll do most probably break my arm. Did I mention that today he was in a really foul mood.
The confusion and anger in his face melts into a warm smile.
Shit I know that the man is ravishing in every possible way but know he is breathtaking. Like I literally stop breathing and just stare dumbfounded.
"Serena you came back," he says with a breathy voice and kisses me on my forehead.
I feel like an electric current has just gone through my body. If he continues with this I'll melt into puddle.
Again with Serena who the hell is that.
"There he is ," I hear  a whiney voice say which I assume is the blonde's.
I turn to them with what I hope is a confused look.
"Excuse me can I help you ? " I ask a serious look pasted on my face.
The man who the blonde is tucked into gives me a once over his eyes lingering on my breasts .
What a creep !
"If you're done staring at my boobs like a total creep let me know sometime before tomorrow so we can get this over with,"
The blonde narrows her eyes at me but I silence her with my eyes.
"It's the man behind you that I want," the creep says.
"My fiancé what for ? I ask all wide eyes and  innocence .
"He's the one who groped me Mark," she whines again. Damn she's is such a lier good thing I'm better at it than she is.
One of the four men attempts to walk around me to Lucius but I block him just in time and I send a scathing look to the creep that I shall not acknowledge by name. It has him looking everywhere but me good.
" I believe there has been a misunderstanding because I've been glued to his side the whole night,"
" Mark I'm not lying he's the one..."
I interrupt her and say,
"I'm not lying either and I'm sure she's mistaken,"
The creep looks between us and says
"Camila would never lie to me so step aside lady," he says in what I can only imagine should be a menacing voice . Pity.
I let out my crazy laugh the one that has him stepping back a bit . I'm sure he is wondering what type of crazy he's dealing with.
"Do you know who this is Lucius Powers," I whisper out his name and that has shock crossing all their faces all at the same time .
It's comical and my lips are trembling as I try not to burst out laughing.
Out of the blue a hand snakes around my waist and my back is pressed to someone's front. Damn it Lucius what are you doing ?
He nuzzles my  neck  with his nose and I smile despite myself. I then gaze at them and the shock has morphed into fear. It's hard not to be scared when he stands a foot taller than them all and there's just the way the Powers name has a way of instilling fear in the hearts of men.
"Word of advice Mark ," I say slowly and spit his name out like it's laced with venom.
"Keep your pet on a leash or she'll give you more trouble than she's worth," I say with a smirk.
"You don't want to cross paths with this one trust me," I say and I swear fear crosses the creeps face and with my job done I place my hand around his waist and spin us away from them. The arm is mostly for support and we look cute so it's a win-win.
Who am I kidding if he falls he's taking me with him.
I guess I just want an assurance. The stairs are out of the question so I steer us to the elevator so that we can go to the underground parking.
In the elevator it's uncharacteristically quiet as he stares at me with a smile on his face .
I find myself smiling back because how could I not . The logical part of my brain says I shouldn't be entertaining him because he has made my week hell.
" You are so beautiful Serena," he whispers to me .
"Who is Serena  ?" I whisper back.
He looks at me in a funny way like I just asked a stupid question.
"You silly ," he whispers back with an ear splitting grin . I sigh and before I know it his delicate lips are locked with mine in a soft kiss. My eyes are wide open and my lips along with my body are frozen. One of his hand is secured on my snatched waist and the other is cupping my face like I'm the most important thing to him. He doesn't stop but he slows it down a notch so I can catch up. Wow I didn't know he had it in him to be considerate.
I slowly start to mimic his movements and I can feel the hand on my waist go lower.
If I'm being honest I never thought that this is how my first kiss would play out.
The logical side of my brain is demanding that I put an end to this but that's just the thing I can't. I didn't know that a kiss could warm you up and make you feel like your floating.
Just then my phone rings and I pull away frightened but the gorgeous bastard rests his face on the crook of my neck with a smile of course.
It's Lily calling me damn I forgot about her.
"Where are you ?" She's frantic and I'm sure she's imagined the worst . I was once upon a time kidnapped so I can't blame her for her panic.
"I'm so sorry I didn't call you sooner but why don't you meet me at your car ? I'll explain everything? "
"Kay," then hangs up. I can tell she's upset. I still can't bring myself to feel guilty enough because I'm thinking about the kiss . I knew those lips were soft. The first stroke of his tongue on mine had all the blood draining from my face . He had me feeling things I didn't I could feel. When the kiss broke he left me wanting more. I touch my lips and they're slightly swollen.
Anyone who happened to walk in on us could tell what we were upto . Oh no Lily what was I going to tell her ?
A few minutes later we're next to Lily's car waiting for her. I have successfully managed to unglue him from my side and now he's standing next to me . It's not much but it's a step in the right direction. I watch him from the corner of my eye only to find his heated gaze on me . It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable but it makes me want to run away and hide . I quickly avert my eyes from him and look ahead to find Lily watching us with a stunned look on her face. It must be quite the sight.
What with my flushed face and my slightly swollen lips and with a man by my side who won't take his eyes off me I'm sure that's enough to ignite her overactive imagination.
"Well well well what do we have here ?" she asks with a singsong voice as she saunters towards me. Oh heaven have mercy.
"This is my boss," I say and drag a hand down my face . That definitely wipes the smile from her face.
"You didn't mention that he's this gorgeous?" She whisper shouts at me . I can tell she's confused . She doesn't know whether to punch the jerk or just gush over him I can see the dilemma playing out in her face .
I quickly explain what happened and she's more surprised  than anything.
" why would you help him and you hate him so much," she asks. Honestly that's the same question that's been dancing around my mind. Why did I bother saving his ass after everything he had put me through? I was still searching for an answer myself.
"Serena doesn't hate me ," Lucius says with that dangerously husky voice of his . It has Lily backing away from us a little and looking at me in that ,' what the hell is going  on ' kind of way. I just shrug in response because I don't know what is going on too.
After a beat of uncomfortable silence passes Lily says
"Why not check his pockets his phone could really help or something ," she says.
"Already did and the only thing I found were his car keys ," I say and heave another sigh of frustration. I really didn't know what to do and this was not how I imagined my Friday evening rolling out.
"Well girl there's only one thing you can do," Lily says seriously.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I say with suspicion. She doesn't respond just stares at me pointedly until I get what she's trying to say. When I finally get the message I stare at the man at my side .
Fuck why does the universe have such a twisted sense of humor?

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