3. Andrea

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It's Monday today and I'm basking in the afternoon sun  in my balcony. Surviving the kidnapping has made me feel more grateful for being alive every single day well even if it's just being about three days since I left the hospital. The bruises on my back and stomach are fading away into pale yellow blotches and they are not as painful . The weirdest thing happened to me on Saturday afternoon. I was just watching tv when there was a knock on my door. My first thought was who still knocks when we've finally upgraded to doorbells. I reluctantly woke up and headed to the door ready to tell the unlucky fellow at the door that they had the wrong person because honestly who would ever look for me ?
When I got there though I was greeted by the absence of life in the hallway.  I was about to slam the door and go back to binge watching when the box on the floor caught my attention.
After a few seconds of staring at the box I took it in. I assessed it and it was unmarked no addressee ,no return address not even a stamp in sight. I opened it and nothing could have prepared me for this particular shock . Inside the box there was my bag I went through it and all my things were intact. When I pulled out my black pocket notebook a white plain paper fell to the floor. I picked it up and opened it. The words were written in a neat cursive way that would have had me admiring it had the situation been different. There were eight words that wreaked havoc inside me. Eight words that relight the dead embers of my fury. Who on earth would be so stupid ?

It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

That was what the bloody note read. I was furious what exactly did that mean ? Just because I wasn't the right one they were still out looking for some innocent woman to kidnap her and what torture her to death ? They had some nerve thinking that some eight words would be enough for the hell they had put me through. As furious as I was I realized some things that put out my fiery fury like someone had poured ice cold water on it. One , this package had been hand delivered by my kidnappers right to my doorstep. That also meant that  they knew exactly where I lived. That couldn't be good. What was I going to do because moving out was not an option. The doorbell ringing brings me back to the present . My mind travels to a million different directions and my heartbeat increases so much that it drowns the noises around me expect the doorbell. It was them and they had come to finish me off. My phone rung and I neary jumped of the seat . I took the phone and when I saw the caller I relaxed if only slightly.
" I'm gonna break down this door if you're not here in three seconds ." That was my mother's agitated voice and it had me moving to open the door for her . Well she made good on her promise to visit. As I walked to the door I worked to conceal the stress and tension of the weekend under a veneer of calm . I would deal with all that crap later. Because when I opened the door the most person on the planet smiled so widely at me . I'd come close to losing her and I would make sure  that from hence forth I would cherish every moment I had with her.
I realised we were like flowers that quickly faded here today and then gone tomorrow.

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