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I decide to take a break from work and have a snack at the cafeteria. I carried some grilled chicken salad from home so I sit somewhere closer to the wall which is made of glass by the way so it offers an excellent view of the city below.
It's Wednesday and it's been a weird week since we'll first my weekend has been replaying in my mind every free second I can get . Secondly I haven't seen or heard from Lucius so far. And worst of all I've been thinking of the kiss as if my life was depending on it. His absence is both a blessing and a curse . A blessing because he's not here making my life hell.
A curse because his absence only adds fuel to my anxiety of what's to come when he does get back.
My life was easier before I met him but every encounter with him has been so taxing on me both emotionally and mentally .
I stab a piece of chicken with a little more force than necessary and shove it in my mouth . I'm reliving the rage I felt on Saturday. The jerk is so unapologetic and so proud. I'm so consumed by my emotions I don't notice that I have company.
" I hope I won't get stabbed for saying hi," comes a peppy voice.
I direct my gaze to the source of that cheerful voice. A young lady stands right behind the chair that's across from me with a tray in her hands. She's in a black skirt suit . Her dirty blonde hair flows in soft waves around her shoulders. She looks so professional  and stunning that I feel a little uncomfortable and out of place .
I just stare at her mid-chew as she looks at me with a friendly smile.
" I'm Sally you must be Andrea ." I swallow my food and after finding my voice I say,
" Nice to meet you Sally . I don't believe we've met,"
" Do you mind if I join you ?"
" No I don't ," I say and with that go ahead she gently  drags the chair and  sits down.
" Well I'm  Anne's PA. You work for Lucius so how is it ?" She wiggles her eyebrows as she asks that question.
I can tell that she's head over heels for a man she barely knew . If she knew what an unfeeling creature he is she would kick herself for ever desiring him.
I just keep my response vague .
" He's a real piece of work," my voice comes out real flat. Nice .
" Of course he is . I wish I was in your place ," she has stars in her eyes and I almost roll my eyes but instead I stare at her as I take a drink of water from my bottle.  I'm also wishing that we could trade places so that I could get away from that bastard.
Sally starts talking about other things like who dumped who in the company , who said this and that. For such a petite woman you'd think she was the quiet and calm .
But boy can she talk and does she know a lot about her colleagues. A little too much.
Nonetheless she does most of the talking and I mostly nod here and there  when necessary.
" OMG I didn't think I'd live to see the day but it's here," she sqeauls so excitedly that I'm a little surprised with the sudden shift of emotion.
" What is it ?" I ask truly curious.
" He's finally engaged wow it's so romantic,"
I frown feeling lost because I'm sure we're not on the same page.
" Who are you talking about ?" I ask feeling completely clueless.
She gives me that ' are you serious look ' and clicks at me which okay I wasn't expecting.
" I'm talking about the one and only Lucius darling," she says dramatically then scoots her chair  all the way to me and shows me a video on her  phone. It's a video of Lucius who is killing it with that dark tux . He looks impeccable as always but if I'm being honest he looked like he wanted to be anywhere else rather than there. Then another woman comes into view who I'm assuming is the  'lucky one '.
She has strawberry blonde hair and one hell of a body. If I stood next to her I'd look like a toothpick. She's beautiful I'd say and definitely the type of women that someone like Lucius would be dating.
The lady is practically glued to his side with an arm sliding through his. She has the look of pure glee on her face and when she looks at him I can see nothing but adoration on her face.
Lucius however doesn't receprocate and just looks at her like she's a fly that he can't wait to swat or something like that.
It looks like it's there engagement party or something .
Then when I least expect it he crushes his lips down on hers . It's followed by applause from an audience I can't see .
In all honesty I shouldn't feel anything but  I feel a sting deep down in my treacherous heart.
I wonder if it's because the same man who is now engaged is the very same one who took my first kiss ?
I always thought that it would be magical on a picnic or after a candlelight dinner with someone I was actually crazy about .
But it had to be with my drunken  unfeeling boss who I hate so much . I swear the universe has always had a twisted sense of humor.
Sally's squeal of excitement brings me back to reality.
" Oh just look at how agressive and possessive he is as he kisses her my my ..."
I don't know what to think about any of this but I decide to remain neutral and ignore my instincts on the matter.

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