13. Lucius

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It's late Wednesday night and I'm seated behind my desk in my office trying to distract myself from a certain someone who has pretty much turned my world upside down. The girl is tougher than she looks but either way she will leave this company .
I walk to the wall/window since all the walls are pretty much glass. It's a quiet and serene night. I find a lot of peace in the darkness and stillness in the night. The sky is clear and the stars are twinkling more than ever. The view this high is breathtaking and I allow myself to relax into the current scene.
I'm in so deep that I don't realize that I have company. As soon he opens his mouth he all but shatters the serenity that I was enjoying into  a thousand pieces. I'm already wandering what the jackass is doing here .
"Isn't it past your bedtime littlest," he asks with a tone laced with mockery. Just because I'm younger he has made it his life's mission to rub it into my face. Well I might be younger  but I'm more accomplished and way smarter than he ever will be . Not that his giant ego lets him see that .
If I'm being honest  I'm always doubting whether he graduated from kindergarten. He's a  just a spineless being and I hate him.
" Don't you have someone to warm your bed what are you doing here ?" I ask with disdain. It comes out naturally with him.
"I came to see you obviously I'm happy to see you ," he says . What a blantant lie.
I still have my back turned to him because honestly he doesn't deserve any of my attention.
" Save me the crap and tell me what the hell you want ," I ask barely resisting the urge to strangle him . My fingers are already flexing as my mind plays out the scene in my head.
"Well I'm here to tell you that tomorrow there's a dinner at home with the Hamiltons and father expects you to be present," he says lazily.
I inwardly sigh if it was anyone else asking me to go I wouldn't go but I just can't say no to my father .
"Well since you've served your purpose get the hell out of my office you are polluting  my environment,"   I spit out the words.
He's silent for a while meaning I've struck a chord . Good and I'll strike more than his ego if he doesn't have his ass out the door in the next second. Before he leaves he says ,". Don't be late cause you and I know what the dinner is really about," he says .
At that I turn around and address him to his face for the first time.
"Is there something you want to tell me ? "
"Well I would love to tell but since I'm a pollutant I'd best be going . You'll find out tomorrow."
With that the idiot literally skips out of the office like a little girl. What a douche it sometimes scares that people like him are allowed to vote.
Something about the dinner doesn't sit right with me and I can't pinpoint it.
The fact that the Powers and the Hamiltons are close  is no closely guarded secret. The Hamiltons have  a daughter who I had met seven years back she was fourteen at the time. I was twenty one.
She was nice and not like all the creepy females I had met at the time.
I knew that she was going to be there and that I would not like what was going to happen at tomorrow's dinner.

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