Y/N and Lucy head to the Admin Offices and see that the path is filled with powerful fans.

Y/N: Activating Mag Boots.

Y/N and Lucy get onto the metal walls and walk along them. They are able to keep their balance and avoid tripping and getting blow away. They make their way to the room that has the last of Muxx's external organs. Y/N uses Knife to saw up the trail of slime leading to it and use him to slice open the last organ.

Knifey: Yeah! Good job, you legend! That's all of them right?

Muxx: Ugh! Blech. Oh, god. Oh, god. You fucking assholes! That was the worst organ you could've destroyed: the one where I keep all my memories of reading Aye Rand's the Fountainhead!

Kenny: Okay, the organs are history. Now let's get to the center chamber which is obviously the core and kill the shit out of Muxx.

I go into the core room and Muxx emerges from it. She forms several arms and grabs her soldiers, mutants, and explosives to use them against us.

Muxx: Hahahaha. You. The knife. How about I send some nukes to your homeworld? Hahahaha...

Knifey: You're just bluffing.

Lucy: Shoot her in the face!

Y/N: That was already my plan.

Y/N and Lucy shoot Muxx at her face as she is using her own personel to attack them. They dodge her attacks and shoot her until she starts dry heaving and exposes an organ.

Knifey: Look! One of her organs! Shred it to pieces. That will really mess her up! most things die if you kill enough of their organs.

Y/N uses Knifey to climb up and saw Muxx's exposed organ in half.

Muxx: Augh! Oh god!

Knifey: Hahaha! Had enough yet? I don't even really have an ideological problem with you! You're just really fun to stab!

Muxx: Ow! Fuck you! Goddamn, I don't even know what that one was for! Oh, shit, y'know what? That was for seeing the color blue. Damn! No more blue for me. You know what? That's fine. That's okay. I'm more into "seeing red right now. You're red blood, that is!

Knifey: Yeah, yeah, we got it.

Kenny: Just keep shooting at her!

Scarlet: She's essentially on life support at this point. I mean she can still fight. But she's in a very bad condition nonetheless.

Muxx ends up exposing another organ and Y/N uses Knifey to cut it open.

Muxx: Fuck!

Y/N and the others end up fall to the lower floor, but they land alright. Lucy jumps down and Muxx appears on the walls.

Muxx: I'm going to enjoy setting fire to you.

Y/N: Not if I murder you first!

Y/N fires Kenny and Sweezy at Muxx and causes her to expose another organ. He then uses Knifey to cut it up as well.

Muxx: Oh, fuck... okay. Okay, that was a bad one. That one did a lot of the important "keeping me alive" shit.

Knifey: Fuck yeah! You're done for Muxx

Lucy throws grenades at Muxx and blast her face. Y/N uses Sweezy's time bubble and freezes Muxx in place so he can uses Kenny and Harper to shoot her even more. Muxx exposes another of her organs and Y/N saws it with Knifey.

Muxx; Ah, shit! Okay, you got me that time. It hurt.

Scarlet: She's on her last legs!

Lucy throws another Grenade into Muxx's mouth and damages her. Kenny and Harper's Glob Shots also do significant damage to that vile CEO. Muxx exposes her final organ and Y/N wrecks it with Knifey. Muxx ends up shooting a pillar of slime into the core.

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