Awful Truth

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The G3 Cartel has been dismantled and the Galaxy is a safer place. Well, it will take a while for news to travel to all corners, but it'll all be okay. Grandma and Grandpa were found in a bunker with those who managed to avoid getting killed by the G3 and their warp bases. Mom and Dad have been spending a lot of time together and are looking at space RVs thanks to Gene knowing a guy. Yuri mostly just reads light novels and manga for hours lately, but that's alright.

Meanwhile, Kenny and the others were thinking about how the surviving Gatlians were doing. I think they're going to be alright now that they don't have to worry about Garmantuous and the G3 anymore. As for me, I had the greatest adventure in my entire life. When school returns, I'm going to tell everyone about my adventure with the others. Speaking of which, I should ask Clugg about how the humans we saved are doing.

I decide to leave my bounty suit off and wear my regular clothes, but keep the belt I use to holster the Gatlians. I also transfer Scarlet to my warp device so I can keep in touch with her.

Kenny: Time to talk to Clugg. I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of all the humans we saved. Well, the ones in cages that we sent to the safehave. But still.

Y/N: Yeah.

I select Clugg's office on the Bounty 5K and go through the portal door. Me and the others arrive in Clugg's office, but find the windows closed and a keycard on the desk.

Y/N: Clugg? Hello.

Gus: I guess he ain't home.

Y/N: He left a keycard. For the Human Haven?

Scarlet: Y/N, take it. I was running through schematics for the construction of that palce and I found worrisome areas included in it.

I grab the keycard and return to the house. I then select the coordinate for the Human Have on the Bounty 5K and go through the portal door. I end up in the Human Haven and see several humans lounging around. Most of them are happy that they are free from the G3 Cartel. But some of them mention that a couple of humans have disappeared. I see a red light coming from all the way at the top. I see magnetic edges that shimmer and use Knifey's teather ability to go up.

Knifey: Here we are. Whatever the fuck this is.

I see a door that says "No Trespassing" on it.

Kenny: Hey, that keycard you stol from clugg. Use it.

I pull out the keycard and insert it into the door's reader.

Kenny: Okay, it's open!

Scarlet: Let's see where this goes.

I enter the room and see several opened cages

Y/N: I have a very bad feeling about this place.

I go down the hall and see a fan blocking the way. I use Sweezy's Time Bubble on it and go through it. I see another and use the same solution to go down into the vents. I arrive in a room that is full of human corpses that have been dissected.

Kenny: Where the fuck are we? Oh my god, are those dead humans.

Scarlet: I don't think this place was a haven for humans.

I am horrified and disgusted at the sight of the bodies. I move to the next room and realize what I have been doing.

Y/N: How long has this been going on? Have I been doing this the whole time?!

I look up and see Clugg in the next room that also has dissected humans.

Y/N: CLUGG!!!!!!

Clugg: Oh, fuck! The Bounty Hunter! How did they get here?

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