Enter Muxxalon

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Knifey: Don't let a single one of those fuckers live!

Y/N: I agree with you Knifey. Leave this Poacher King with nothing to work with.

Poacher King: How's it going Poacher Gang? Did we kill the intruders yet? They seem pretty strong, so don't feel bad about having trouble. We're just poachers you know? Not trained soldiers. No need to get all down in the dumps about losing in a gunfight and getting shot to death. It could happen to anyone.

Y/N: Well it hardly happens to people that actually have training and gear for this. And the experience helps greatly.

Kenny: Yeah, for real. We're cleaning this town up. Yes, I know this town is just a small island with a Duffalo Ranch. But still, we're doing way more than the average slug, which, let's be honest, they're all going to die because of the fact that they don't know the Salt they love so much is literally killing them.

I use Knifey to saw some of the poachers up. And as expected, he is enjoying it greatly.

Knifey: Go Go Chainsaw Knifey! HAHAHA!

Poacher King: How are my little Poachie-Poachers doing? Having the fight of your life, I hope? I'm trying to get the closed-circut cameras going so I can watch but just know I'm rooting for you, like always. So proud.

Okay, this guy is clearly not a bandit like these morons. They don't even sound like they knwo what they're doing. I deal with the rest of the squad before using a powerful fan to launch myself to the Poachers' base. I continue shooting at the Poachers and killing everyone that stands in my way.

Poacher King: Hey Poachers! It's me again, your Poacher king. When we're done dealing wiht this intruder, does anyone want to hit up the Peroxosquash courts? I'm feeling sporty today. But let's not get competitive about it, okay? It's just a game, after all. It'll be good for us, you know, as a poacher family.

Y/N: Get ready Poacher King! You're days are numbered.

I fire Kenny and Harper in rapid succession and constantly kill any poacher than gets in my line of sight. I get up to the roof and fight the last wave of poachers. I take cover as they all fire at my. I use Kenny and Harper's Glob shots and take out multiple enemies. Sweezy's Time Bubble and Gus' discs helped as well. And I fire Creature's Hypno Child at a Hurk and cause them to attack its allies. I fire Kenny and Harper again and kill the last of the poacher. I walk up to a crate where the Poacher King is hiding.

Poacher King: Well, well, well. It appears that you've taken out my men. That wasn't very nice. i hope you're ready to face Jakey Donuts, the monstrous Poacher King!

The doors open and reveals that the Poacher King is just a human.

Jakey: Holy shit. Are you human, too?

Y/N: You're the Poacher King?

Jakey: Oh my god, what a crazy misunderstanding! I wouldn't have had my me attack you if I knew you were a human! Wow, it's been ages.

Knifey: They said you're gonna be a monster. You're not a monster.

Y/N: They've never seen a human before have they?

Jakey: Nope. None of these ants have ever seen a human before! They were terrified of me! Thought I looked gross! Let me be their boss if I promised not to kill them.

Y/N: (Sigh) Stop these Poacher attacks and we'll leave you alone.

Jakey: Oh, totally. That's all finished, you have my word. Because, well, you know. You killed all my Poachers. But also I'm just over it..

Y/N: Good.

I go to a line launcher and activate it. It fires a line straight to the Duffalo Ranch and we slide down it. I walk up to Sam to tell him the results.

Y/N: You don't have to worry about the Poachers anymore. We killed them all.

Sam: Ha! As expected of the famous bounty hunter. As I promised, the key is yours. The ship is already pre-programed. Once you're there, the ship will come back to the ranch. But you can summon it without the key so long as you're in Muxxalon HQ. Good luck.

I get in the trasnport and insert the activation key. The transport takes off and flies straight to a pad at Muxx's office. We go inside and see that the entire place is empty. The doors clsoe behind us and all that's left is the darkness.

Scarlet: Activating night vision.

Night vision activates and I can see better.

Knifey: Muxx? Anyone? Hello? We were invited.

I hear something moving and hear heavy breathing.

Kenny: You guys hear that?

Harper: I don't think we're alone.

I aim Kenny and Harper around searching for what's causing the noise.

Y/N: Show yourself.

Suddenly, a horribly disfigured being with two heads apears and starts firing lasers at us.

Knifey: Oh my god, oh my god, what's going on?! Aww, I'm so sorry for draggin you all into this! Aww, oh, on! Uhh!

The creature gets tired and starts running away.

Knifey: Oh my god... it's running... don't let it get away!

I follow a creature until a giant hand comes ou.t of the wall and drags it in there. The hand then comes out and grabs me before Muxx shows her ugly face.

Knifey: Ahh! Holy shit!

Muxx: So you're the bounty hunter the Galactic Union council has sent to kill me.

Knifey: Lady, we're just here to find the coordinate to locate my family. They sent a package for a Knifey.

Muxx: I think I can find them.

Kenny: Great, so just tell us them and we'll be on our way.

Muxx: Not yet. I need to send a message to the Galactic Union itself for trying to attack me. And what better way to do that than putting the bounty hunter that saved the galaxy to work in my facility. Don't worry, you'll be freed once they pay a shit ton of Pesos for your release. But I don't know when that will happen though. So in the mean time, enjoy our benefits plan. Have a free parasite... on the house!

Muxx flicks me so hard it sends me onto the floor and I begin to loose conciousness. A parasite she spat on me appears in front of me and talks.

Parasite: Hello, I'm Gary Helmith and I'll be you Managing Parasite.

I pass out and feel discomfort all through my body. I regain my conciousness and find myself at a machines that closes packages.

Gary: Oh good, you're awake. Whatever biological implants you had done to you, they seemed to have greatly minimized the pain you were supposed to feel. So get to work. Those packages aren't going to seal themselves. Everyone wakes up and is confused at what just happened.

Knifey: Ugh, ugh, my... my knife, what happened?

We hear movement in the vents a Lucy bursts out in her bounty suit.

Gary: Who the fuck are you?!

Lucy blasts Gary and kills him.

Y/N: Lucy? What are you doing here?

Lucy: Kenny's beacon activated.

Kenny: Muxx scared the shit out of me. I thought we'd need help.

Y/N: Well I ain't saying no.

Knifey: I think I see a way out of the room. Use my chainsaw to rip open that slimy piece of flesh.

I go to the center of the room and use Kifey to cut open a piece of flesh blocking the way out.

Y/N: Let's kill Muxx.

Knifey: And find my home planet.

We all jump down the hole and begin our fight against Muxx

Winners Don't Do Drugs (Male Reader x High On Life)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora