Chapter 4: Libby

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God, it's cold, I think as I trample through the trees, looking for good branches we can shave down to fake swords for the Littles. While we had training with real swords and real guns and all the real weapons, the Littles were still training with only wooden swords. Lilliana had decided to fight a sturdy old tree and it broke her sword. That was the last one, so now I was out here in the dark and freezing cold forest looking for a new sword.

"Psst," a male voice hisses from somewhere in the trees. I freeze. "Libby!" My hand flies to the gun attached to my waist — the one I refused but Jess made me take just in case. Now I was glad I had it because I knew that voice. I'd heard it whisper my name so many times, I could recognize it anywhere.

But it wasn't supposed to be near me.

"You're not supposed to be here," I unhook the holster and pull out the pistol, cocking it back, ready to fire. I'd never actually shoot, I'm just warning him. "If I scream, fifty girls will swarm the trees in ten seconds and there will be a lot more guns pointed at you."

He lets out a curse and then the bushes rustle before silence falls once again. "Don't scream. Or shoot. It's just me, I swear." Yeah, like that makes the situation any better.

I tiptoed my way over to his voice. "How did you find us? Why are you here?"

"Cleo." Just mentioning her name makes my lip curl and neon signs of betrayal appear in my head. "I just want to talk. Please hear me out." I'm almost upon him now, so I return the pistol to its holster but leave the latch unlocked, just in case.

I see his stillhouse in the dark, looking into the trees. He can't see me, so I approach him. "Talk about what?" I ask and he whips around to look at me. Now I can see him clearly and holy hell, I forgot what he did to me. My heart speeds up and my body goes slack. I want to run into him and let him hold me forever because god I missed him. Plus, how does that man manage to look so damn hot with dirt staining his cheeks and his hair all long and ruffled? And that stubble outlining his sharp jawline is making me wish I could erase my memories. He's an all-encompassing, overwhelming level of hot.

"Tucker and I ran away," his voice is softer like I'm affecting him just as much as he's affecting me. His best friend's name makes me remember. Tucker, Cole, Band of Crime, CRIMINALS.

I back up a few steps until he's cloaked in darkness again. Good, I think. That should help me retain my thoughts.

"But it's just me here," he continues. "Tucker is back at camp. We've been hiding out about a mile from here in some castle ruins for the past, what, week? I've lost track of time." I know that spot. When I was little, the ruins still resembled a castle, so Taylor, Shay, Cleo, and I would play princesses there. We spent hours rescuing each other from invisible demons. I smile at the memory.

Sadly, an earthquake destroyed the ruins a few years later. Now it's just a scattering of stones. It must be a terrible shelter — especially in this cold.

"Cleo knows that spot," I inform him.

"That's why we need help, Lib." I straighten at the nickname.

"Don't call me Lib."

He steps out of the trees and takes a few hesitant steps closer to me. "We need a new place to hide. We can't go back to the Band."

"How do I know the Band didn't send you?" I begin backing up slowly.

He thinks for a minute. "Honestly, I don't think there's anything I can say that will convince you. You just need to trust me." My memory flips back to the gala a year ago. In fact, it flips through everything from last year. Trust him again? When I trusted him and he turned out to be lying? And if he is lying this time, I'm putting my forty-person family in danger by "trusting" him? I think not.

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