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"Huh?" I say again to my now dumbfounded looking best friend

"I'm going to get you hearing aids, I said I want to play pinball !" Now that I hear him I respond "ohhhhhh sorry" he huffs "You have more blonde moments than me" Vance responds his fists clenched. "No I just couldn't hear you" I giggle out digging around my bag for lipgloss and my best friend grumbles "how the hell am I still friends with you, you are the most annoying person ever" I gasp very offended "don't you dare I haven't even said anything... yet" as I start applying my lipgloss and I hear him mumble "your lucky your  pretty" I smile at him "aww thanks " he flushes and looks down in embarrassment "you don't hear anything but that!" I sigh in defeat "leave me alone I just have to process things" he huffs at me as we exit the school. "What do you carry in this bag " he says as he moves my
bag higher up his shoulders "all my work,duh" he chuckles at her "I'm surprised at how well you do In school because your so slow" she's surprised because how relentless he was with the insults "okay that's enough of you today" she started walking up the road from him and it doesn't take long for him to catch up with her "oh okay like you haven't said worst" he says an blank stare "I'm not mean, I don't believe" he's scoffs "remember the time I got my hand slammed in the door and instead of helping you told me to 'raise my hand if I needed help' and then laughed at me!" I giggle "okay that was funny but I helped you right after sooo" she says taking a turn as Vance shakes his head in fein disappointment

"But do we have to go to grab n goooo? my bf want us to meet up at the arcade and you can play to your hearts content there!"  His smile vanishes at the mention of her stupid ass boyfriend... charlie. He was the heart throb of the neighborhood the boy next door and somehow he always got girls with his lost puppy look but in disguise he was definitely cheating on y/n Vance told her this multiple time but y/n wouldn't see it. Of course he couldn't just let y/n walk alone. this crappy guy named Ronald who is a super senior harasses her daily and won't leave her be. "Fine let's go to the arcade" he says unenthusiastically "Vance I see what your doing and char is not that bad"  she inches closer to him and looks at him with reassurance but he's not having it "y/n he quite literally was flirting with your cheer friend tila in front of you on our double blind date thing" and she looks down in defeat but try's to cover it up "he was being friendly!?" Vance rolls his eyes "you've gotta be kidding y/n" Vance says holding the arcade door open for her as the booming sound of the newest 70s pop hit rings out and the dark contrast blinds them from the spring sun.

"Char !"  Y/n jumps on her boyfriend as he wraps his arms around her smirking, she peels off of him and sees the said devil tila that she stopped talking to after the incident she knew she was flirting with him and she knew she should've believed her friends when they said tila was fake. "Oh hi tila ! Still making moves on my bf?" She glared at the girl in front of her and tila scoffs at her "I don't want your bf, I have my own" which makes y/n giggle "right the one I heard you  you were cheating with on your ex boyfriend ?"  She looks at the now twisted up faced girl up and down "now move before someone tells your new boyfriend that I saw you and your ex getting real close at the house party last weekend, cmon char" she moves past the girl holding her boyfriends hand while Vance stares jaw open "Vance honey, you too"  they walk to an arcade table where vance hands her, her bag and she digs in it for her wallet, when she finds it she grabs a ten dollar bill and looks up at the two boys to see an probable intense eye conversation going on. "I'm going to get coins" she says as she sits her bag down and Vance already knows to grab it instead. "I can't believe you missed out on that Vance I mean tila is definitely something" he says looking at her in her cheer uniform while she tries to sneakily look seductive. "Your a fucking asshole Charlie and I hope y/n sees that too" Vance grumbles at Charlie, if eyes could kill then Charlie would be impaled by now. Charlie chuckles at him as if he told a joke "she won't leave me, she loves me and you see the way she defends me to all her friends. Besides who else is in her league ? I hope you don't think it's you," Charlie snarls "A rep like yours is bound to destroy her's, all you do is beat people and she only see's you as her body guard, wrapped around her little finger." Vance feels paralyzed by this realization. Just then y/n comes back a smile on her face and a story to tell "so when I was in line-" "I'm going home now" Vance says wearily, the sting of tears in his eyes which he refuses to let drop. "Oh, Vance what's wrong ? Char did you say something" Vance shakes his head "no im tired" he says handing her, her bag with a little more force than usual and pushing his way out. "Well now that there's no third wheel wanna continue our date honey" she shakes her head yes in confusion but the fuzzy feeling of slight guilt for not pushing Vance on what's wrong disappears when Charlie pulls her into a hug from behind.

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