New magic wand

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Vances pov ??????
I'm putting a warning because its probably gonna be toxic, stalking, and wanting to harm others in it i noticed I hadn't put a warning on the other one which I probably should have.

It's been a while since y/n and I have talked. She hurt me with the Bruce thing, i see the way he looked at her I saw the way she smiled at him. She hurt my feelings and I won't let that happen anymore, not since..  I watch her from afar sure I waited but now I'm just mad. It's been months and she's started becoming a new person like she's forgotten about what we had. The Polaroids of her and that footballer billy is now taped to her locker replaced by the one or two we had.  Does she not understand that we were so much better that he should not be on her locker or close at all ? The spring sun blinds him in the photos and I can only see her anyway.her smile is big and bright in it too, I might have slipped it from her locker. She looked so pretty she's always looked that way but the fact that she's smiling at him makes it worst. I still want him out of the photo completely I wished there was a way to make him disappear like magic tricks those shitty clowns do. Like when they put they rabbit in the hat and they use that wand thing to make it disappear in real time. But we all know those are fake don't we?

Im playing pinball and talking to my dumbass of a friend about it. well it's more of him interviewing me on her and me telling him in short words that we haven't talked because I got mad at her, and then I let a couple of my thoughts slip when he mentioned her hanging with showalter. I might have said something along the lines of "I'm gonna give him serious brain damage so he doesn't know who she is" and he said I'm crazy, that I have serious issues, that I need help the normal stuff which I don't give a fuck about. I know that I have a temper and it's bad and I need to work on it.

I walk into this horrible school and see her and him at it again she flips her hair standing at her closed locker giggling fucking giggling at that bitch. And In the Ela class all three of us share I may or may not have tripped billy. But later during lunch I was called to the office and I want to know what the hell did I do to these old fuckers today. Well maybe it wasn't so bad when I see her sat in the office with my ela teacher "Vance you are well how can I say this ? Failing horribly in my class and well y/n here has the highest score so she has to tutor you or else you will get left back ... again" I take a glance at her and she's giving me those eyes again, those caring eyes the ones that make you want to permanently blind yourself and then tell her everything that's wrong with you, the kind that showers you and makes you feel special, Like she only cares about you. When she spoke she said it in a gentle sounding tone.

"We can go to the library after school if you'd like ?"

With a nod of my head at her suggestion I see my way out.

After school we meet up outside where we used to, right by the bike racks and from there on in awful and awkward silence we walked there. Boy did any silence feel more pressuring than that walk and it made my want to kick down a fire hydrant. She suddenly spoke "what do you think you struggling with ?" She tried to sound patient with me but I new deep down inside that she was avoiding this moment "I don't know ? Like all of it?" I say avoiding cursing so I can get rid of this tension. "Guess we just gotta work extra hard" she says in a sigh holding open the door for me as we walk in the library.

The thing I like about her as that she's given me attention but not the playing into me cause they're scared I'm gonna beat they're ass or the "I'm gonna fix you" playing into me but the feel of genuine wanting to help and that's what I loved most.

"Hey Vance are you listening to me" she says as she snaps her fingers in my face so I can stop practically looking through her. "Vance can you tell me about what is happening in the book, I just read you a whole chapter" I mentally hit myself on the head because I know nothing about this damn book I heard the first few words and zoned out but I don't like to admit that I'm wrong. "Yeah it was bout humans doing things" she sighed "how are we ever gonna catch up on all of your work if you haven't even read the first chapter?" I looked at her with slight confusion on my face "didn't we just start this book ?" She rolled her eyes "no Vance, the book is about to end ! We are around chapter 15" and embarrassment hit "Vance please just read 2 chapters tonight and we will get somewhere over the weekend. Also do what I don't do and please take notes on the chapter while reading it. It will be VERY important later." She starts packing up her stuff and I finally decide to go for it "are we cool ?" I saw her stop dead in her tracks "uhm sure ?" Before zipping her bag and walking away.

Vance hopper imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang