The Heist {2}

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"I think that's the mountain." Wei Ying squinted in the distance.

"Don't be insolent. It's just fog you imbecile." Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes.

"Look Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying shuffled over as he pointed to a majestic mountain filled with greenery and nature.

"Greetings. May I ask why you are entering this temple?" A voice asked.


"Welcome to Cloud Recesses, the Blanc Mafia's main headquarters. Why did you bring them here Wangji? They must be very important if you look so happy!" Lan Xichen smiled at the two visitors.

Lan Wangji sometimes wished his brother would stop babying him infront of others, but deep down he was grateful to have such a kind elder sibling. After all, only Xichen could read his emotions.

"Where does he see 'happy'?" Jiang Cheng quoted in the air with a sarcastic voice.

"Don't be rude. Hello! I'm Wei Wuxian and this is Jiang Wanyin. I'm afraid we have a minor dispute, the diamond is needed by us."

"Interesting, and why is it needed?" Xichen quizzed.

"Tell us why YOU need it first!" Jiang Cheng demanded, pointing accusingly to Lan Wangji.

"It is ours, rightfully and legitimately belongs to our ancestors." Wangji replied.

"Wow! Is your ancestor the Mythical Empress of China? That's so cool! We need it to locate my missing grandma, and according to the rumours, this diamond holds the power to locate anyone anywhere!" Wei Ying shoved Jiang Cheng and grinned while Wanyin cursed colourful words.

"How about we make a negotiation? We help you locate your grandmother, and then you return the diamond to us?" Xichen held out his hand.

"Deal!" Wei Ying beamed and shook it.

"Here we go again..." Jiang Cheng sighed.

"Is your aunty... Baoshan Sang-ren?" A voice boomed from the darkness of the shadows. Turns out, Lan Qiren was listening to them the whole time.

"Yes! How did you know?" Wei Ying asked, perplexed.

"She was in my class as a child, let's say we were good friends. Before she graduated, she told me that she dreamed of starting a temple of her own and helping abandoned street children thrive under her care. She told me to visit her, to travel to the celestial mountain, and I would find her there."

"That kind of rhymes... can we go now?" Wei Ying's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Wei Wuxian, you and Jiang Wanyin can leave with Wangji tomorrow." Qiren stroked his goatee.

"Yes, thank you." Wei Ying bowed.

"Big change of attitude." Jiang Cheng gave his criminal offensive bombastic side eye.

"At least I'm not a grape."

"You're adopted."

"I am."

"I should never have agreed to come!" Groaned Jiang Cheng, absolutely sick of hiking in the thick foliage of a steep mountain.

"Don't be a baby! We're almost there!" Wei Ying countered, spinning his knife.

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