Chapter 123 Extra × Just right

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He had three people hanging on him, just like a banana tree, and those monkeys were hanging on him.

Ran Dongling didn't expect there were so many people outside. He thought Anna was the only one there, but Qiu Zhenghao and the others I don't know when they arrived, but they were all in the living room.

He slapped Qiu Ci's back suddenly. There was no point of contact on Qiu Ci's body, so he let out a grunt from the slap.

"Brother Qiu Ci." Ran Dongling motioned for him to put him down. He was still a little shy and didn't want to be betrayed by Qiu Ci in front of so many people.

"I'm awake, dear. What a coincidence. Dinner is about to begin." Lin Yuan had long been accustomed to the little antics between Ran Dongling and Qiu Ci and didn't feel anything was wrong.

"Grandma" Qiuqiu and little Nomi called her obediently, struggling to get off Qiu Ci's hands.

Qiu Ci put them down, and the two of them ran away quickly, one to Lin Yuanna and the other to Qiu Zhenghao.

The Qiu family suddenly went abroad to come here because they wanted to celebrate the New Year as a family. Maybe it was because they had two more children in the family. Now they feel more and more that the time they can spend together as a family is precious.

In addition to New Year's Eve, there is another very coincidental thing. Ran Dongling's birthday is the day before New Year's Eve.

Only Qiu Ci knows his real birthday, but Ran Dongling's birthday also has to be celebrated, so he can celebrate his birthday twice a year.

On his birthday, Qiu Ci received a postcard sent across the ocean.

Four years ago, when Ran Dongling was twenty years old, Qiu Ci accompanied him to a postcard shop. The owner of that shop was an old man.

Four years later, Qiu Ci knew that he would not receive the postcard as early as the spring of the second year when he did not receive the postcard.

But he didn't care. A postcard couldn't change anything.

I just didn't expect that four years later, the postcard was sent here again. Qiu Ci was not in the country, so he asked someone to send the postcard here again.

There was a letter sent with the postcard. The letter said that he was the old man's son. For some reasons, he had only recently had time to send out the batch of postcards. He was very sorry.

"Brother Qiu Ci, why are you still in the room? We are about to leave." Ran Dongling was a little excited because their family was going to a hot spring today.

Qiu Ci raised the envelope in his hand and motioned for him to come over and look at it, "This is the postcard I wrote before, and it's been sent here now."

"What are you looking at?" Ran Dongling leaned over curiously, wanting to see what was written on the postcard.

The letter sent across the ocean had one sentence written on it.


"Do you understand?" Qiu Ci asked him.

Isn't this looking down on Ran Dongling?

Although it has been so long, Ran Dongling still has not learned to speak English, but with his genius brain, it is still easy to understand.

"Of course I can understand, it means don't say goodbye." Ran Dongling's expression was full of confidence and pride, waiting for Qiu Ci to praise him.

Qiu Ci shook his head and smiled, put down the postcard, and took his hand out.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ran Dongling thought that he had made a mistake in the translation and asked him, "Isn't that what it means? What does that mean?"

"Yes" Qiu Ci stopped and gave up.

"Yes" Ran Dongling was still waiting for him to say.

"It means don't say goodbye."

Isn't that the same meaning as what he just said? Brother Qiu Ci is really bad and lied to him again.

The postcard did not attract Ran Dongling's attention, and soon he and Qiu Ci talked about another matter.

"Brother Qiu Ci, you know that a person is the most How many years can you live?"

"have no idea."

"I know, it seems to be 128 years old. Then, brother Qiu Ci, will you live to be 128 years old?"

Ran Dongling was watching TV a few days ago and saw an old lady who lived to be 128 years old. She was already very old. This is called longevity.

Qiu Ci smiled and said, "If you be good, Qiuqiu should also be good, and I can live to be 128 years old."

Ran Dongling looked at him with a pout, and was not very satisfied with his words. He retorted, "Qiuqiu and I are both good."

He grabbed Qiu Ci's hand and shook it hard, and said excitedly, "Brother Qiu Ci, you can live to be 128 years old. I will be fine if I live to be 122 years old."

Without waiting for Qiu Ci to ask why, he went on.

"Although I have lived six years less, you have lived six more years, brother Qiu Ci. Our combined total is just right."

What's just right? Qiu Ci doesn't understand his magical brain circuitry.

Ran Dongling raised her voice and told Qiu Ci with great certainty, "It's just right. Don't take advantage of me and still behave."

He has been learning modern languages recently and often uses whatever words he learns.

Qiu Ci corrected his mistake when he suddenly heard Lin Yuan calling them.

"Good boy, Qiu Ci, hurry up, I'm waiting for you two." Lin Yuan went into the house to look for someone, happened to see them standing in the living room chatting, and urged them to go out.

"Daddy, daddy" Qiuqiu also called them outside the door.

"Uncle, uncle," little Nomi shouted for him.

"Here we come!" Ran Dongling heard so many people calling him and ran out quickly.

Halfway through the run, he realized that Qiu Ci hadn't caught up yet, so he went back to hold Qiu Ci's hand, "Brother Qiu Ci, let's go quickly."

Outside the manor, it has been snowing for several days. The sun finally came out today, with blue sky and white clouds. The sun was clear and perfect for a family outing.

They hold hands together, everything is just right.

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