Chapter 76

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Edric learned from Lord Azerthon's lessons that true love is as vital as life itself.

At the time, he had passed over the lesson indifferently, but now, it deeply moved him.

Because of Lobel.

["I would die without you, Edric."]

["You have to breathe so I can too. Edric, you're my only hope and my breath of life."]

Edric felt confused.

'If I am as precious as life to her... does that mean Lobel loves me?'

He thought about the bribes from the Duchess and gifts from Manelano, recalling Lobel's consistent firmness amidst those temptations.

Yes, anyone would have been swayed by such luxurious gifts, yet Lobel remained steadfast.

'So, she called me her breath, her hope.'

At some point, Edric found himself assigning meaning to each detail, discovering something about himself.

And the paper he was reading was soon filled with only one word:


The word was etched on the boundary between the back of the hand holding the pen and the palm, like a tattoo.

Edric didn't erase it but gazed at it deeply, lost in thought.

He realized he was excessively conscious of, and thinking about, Lobel.

Even when waiting for his mother to return from picking wildflowers in a dilapidated house, it was never to this extent...

Understanding why the vassals wanted to make Lobel disappear became clearer.

To protect Lobel, Edric had assembled the knights at the manor even before calling the vassals.

Had they attempted to harm Lobel, or if there had been the slightest sign of it, he would have immediately taken their lives on the spot.

He was ready to misuse the heir's authority if things didn't go as planned, killing everyone and staging it as an accident.

Even if it meant losing his position as heir, nothing was more important than not losing Lobel.

For the first time, Edric thought about how similar he was to his father, not in appearance, but in their ruthless inner selves.

He was caught in a strange sentimentality.

It was the first time he had acknowledged the need for his father's coldness and cruelty.

Maybe, his way was logical to protect what he wanted.

Then, Denian, his aide, came in with news.

"A royal invitation has arrived. It's for the Terua hunting festival."

His tone held no anticipation.

Knowing Edric's skills in swordsmanship and crossbow, he understood, but other matters were concerning.

Given Edric's nature, it was expected he wouldn't participate.

Besides, with the business of the trading company keeping him extremely busy and plenty of tasks piling up.

Just as he was about to decline, the next statement changed Edric's mind instantly.

"The winner of the festival will be awarded the royal family's Moon Dagger."


"Ah... such joyful news for Edric...!"

The Duchess of Denkart, as if the news was her own joy, dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief.

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