Chapter 72

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I had not yet met that lovely girl, but I knew her very well.

The Terua royal family had always been scarce in offspring, especially princesses were even rarer.

Therefore, the emperor, who had no female siblings, cherished his only daughter dearly. The crown prince valued her just as much, hence the girl who kept appearing in the original story.

She was none other than Princess Delilah, a prominent fiancée candidate for the young master.

I hid my body in the bushes and watched her for a while.

In the original story, both the crown prince and the princess followed the duke, so it seemed she came to see the duke.

'I must have gotten lost...'

I thought I heard a faint sound of someone searching for the princess somewhere.

But Princess Delilah did not cry and tried to find her way bravely.

'Well, contrary to her appearance, she was said to be quite independent.'

Princess Delilah, despite being born into a noble status and lovely appearance, receiving overflowing love and attention, did not enjoy it.

She disliked having maids accompany her every time and despised contacting others.

No one understood her, but Prince Louis was the only one who understood her heart.

Thus, when he was with his sister, he always kept others at bay, which made it easier to deal with the young master, as mentioned subtly in the script.

Seeing the prickly young master reminded me of his sister... No, that's not the issue right now.

'...She's wearing a skirt and the shoes must be uncomfortable. I can't just leave her like this.'

So, I came out of the bushes and slowly walked towards her.

"Excuse me... Are you not uncomfortable?"

"Ah! You startled me!"

The pink eyes that discovered me widened completely.

I slowly approached, smiling as non-threateningly as possible.

"Shall I call your maid, or would you prefer a piggyback ride?"

...She seems to dislike both options.

I asked lightly, but her expression soured, so I quickly switched to a different suggestion.

"Or, would you like to try lifting your dress a bit higher to walk?"

It was something the princess, who preferred solving things on her own, would like.

Also, I tried speaking in the unique gentle manner of the crown prince, which she might like.

Then she snapped at me.

"Are you asking me, a princess, to do something against etiquette?"

"I'm terribly sorry to make such a request to Your Highness... but I've heard that etiquette is about considering others before maintaining dignity."

"...That's true."

"But right now, I prefer to see Your Highness walking comfortably and resting easily."


"If you would accept my request... wouldn't that be truly keeping with etiquette? And besides, lifting your dress a bit to walk more comfortably won't tarnish Your Highness's dignity."

"Is that an order?"

"No, it's a plea."

The last was brief and clear but heartfelt.

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