Chapter 102 Young, Boy, Hard, Diamond

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"And his name matches mine very well. His name is Qiu Yi, and my name is Dong Ling."

The three "good"s made Qiu Cidui, a man in the autumn mood, alert.

He didn't forget what Xiaopangdun said about his brother. Although he couldn't believe everything the kid said, but...

But Sheng Qiuyi, the fish pond owner, caught the wrong fish.

He shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't, and shouldn't catch the stupid fish of hatred.

Ran Dongling has a strong nature and a strong forgetfulness.

As long as two days have passed for something he is interested in, his interest will automatically disappear until the next time he sees it.

Sheng Qiuyi couldn't see him again. He took the bear doll and Qiu Ci casually placed it in the corner of the sofa. He turned around to find a corner and lost it.

He and Ran Dongling talked about other things.

Qiu Zhenghao is indeed right. Qiu Ci is very busy. He has GG to shoot, a new movie to promote, and road shows to attend.

These tasks have to be done intermittently for half a month, which means that he has to be away from work for half a month.

With Ran Dongling's current physical condition, Qiu Ci really didn't dare to run with him. If anything happened, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

During his business trip, he let Ran Dongling stay in his old house.

They have known each other for such a long time, and this is the first time they have to be separated for such a long time.

Qiu Ci packed his luggage at night, but Ran Dongling didn't know how to pack it, so he huddled up and sat in the suitcase.

"Brother Qiu Ci, please take me away. I want to go too."

Seeing his pitiful look, Qiu Ci felt weak and stopped packing his luggage. He squatted next to him and said, "Then, how about I hang you on my body and take you away?"

"Okay, you carry me on your back." He stretched out his hands, intending to carry me on his back.

Qiu Ci carried him around the second floor and then went downstairs.

Qiu Zhenghao, who was watching TV in the living room, watched them go around in circles, not understanding what the young couple meant by doing this.

He asked the housekeeper, "Are they playing the game of father taking care of his son?"

The housekeeper smiled and expressed his thoughts, "It should be that Xiaoling is reluctant to let the second young master leave and is clingy."

No matter how reluctant you are to leave, it's still time to leave.

Qiu Ci chose to leave in the morning because Ran Dongling had to sleep in in the morning.

There was silence in the room. Qiu Ci looked at Ran Dongling's sleeping face for a long time. Finally, he gently brushed away the black hair scattered on his face, kissed him between the eyebrows, and went downstairs to leave the old house.

On the first day of leaving, Qiu Ci couldn't bear to miss him and called Ran Dongling as soon as he got off the plane. He didn't know what his expression would be like when he woke up and found out that he had left.

What to do if you get angry, how to comfort yourself.

Thinking this, Qiu Ci lowered his head and smiled, and was seen by Chen Yun on the side.

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