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"Are you residing with Song, my dear?" Mushi inquired, spearing a forkful of fish and lifting it to his mouth. His rash had noticeably improved; it was hardly visible anymore. "No, I live in my father's old house. I... I haven't seen him in a while," I murmured softly. "Sora's father passed away. He was in the Fire Nation, searching for a master for her," Song disclosed. I cast my gaze downwards, struggling to hold back tears. My appetite vanished. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Lee shifting uncomfortably in his seat. To my surprise, he reached under the table and gently squeezed my hand. No one seemed to notice.

"I haven't seen my father in a long while either. I know it's not quite the same, but I understand what it's like to miss someone," he muttered. "Is he fighting in the war?" I inquired, still teary-eyed, looking at him. He released my hand and glanced down at his food. "Yeah," he mumbled, though it sounded unconvincing. Song rose to fetch some water. "Would you like to spend the night, perhaps? I have room for you two at my house," I offered. "No, we need to keep moving. I'm sorry," Lee declined. "It's just... I've never encountered another fire bender who was genuinely kind to me," I whispered.

"You're a fire bender?" Mushi exclaimed, as surprised as Lee. "Yes, but this," I gestured, letting a flame dance on my fingers, "is the extent of my abilities. I never learned more, and I'm afraid to try on my own," I confessed.

Later that evening, seeking solace in the fresh air, I found Lee seated cross-legged on the porch. I settled beside him, and we sat in silence for a while. I stole glances at him; he was remarkably handsome. Without thinking, I reached out to touch his scar, wanting to understand his pain, but he caught my wrist before I could reach him. I withdrew my hand, crestfallen. "I'm sorry that this happened to you," I murmured. "Why apologize? You weren't the one responsible," he retorted, returning to his earlier grumpy demeanor. "I just... how did it happen?" I probed. He shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it," he mumbled.

I lay back, gazing up at the sky. It felt like a challenge to coax him into opening up, but time was short. "You're still...handsome" I said, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I shut my eyes tightly. I could sense his eyes on me. "You think I'm handsome?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. He changed moods quicker than a spring breeze. I remained silent. After a moment, he lay down beside me. "I think you're pretty," he confessed, his eyes closed.

In that moment, I made a decision. This simple sentence had sealed it. I couldn't stay here any longer. I despised my job; Song was my only friend, and I wasn't even sure I liked her. She was kind only because I was alone. "Take me with you," I implored Lee. He opened his eyes, shaking his head. "Sora..." he began. "Please, Lee! I can't stay here any longer! I want to learn fire bending! You can teach me! I'll find a way to repay you!" I pleaded. "I don't want your repayment," he replied. "We don't even know where we're going. You can't come." "Fine, if you won't take me, I'll follow you. How long can you ignore me?" I challenged, sitting up and crossing my arms.

"Sora, please don't do this!" he begged, sitting up as well. I stared at him with stubborn determination. He sighed. "Fine. You can come. But if you start getting on my nerves, you turn around. And I'll teach you bending," he relented. "Thank you!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him. He tensed at first, but then relaxed, hesitantly returning the embrace.

"Zuko?" Mushi's voice interrupted, as he emerged from the door. "Oh! Sora, I didn't realize you were here," he said, sounding nervous. "Zuko, huh?" I remarked, disentangling myself from Lee. Zuko glanced at Mushi (or rather, not Mushi), closing his eyes for a moment. "Uncle, she's joining us. I'm teaching her fire bending. And I think it's only fair she knows our real names. I'm Zuko, and this is Iroh," he declared. I smiled. These names suited them much better.

Iroh knelt beside me. "Sora, you must understand, this will be a long journey," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I have nothing holding me here, Iroh," I muttered. He regarded me with a nearly fatherly expression. "We can take my ostrich horse. His name is Mushu," I offered. I didn't inform Song of my departure, and I certainly wouldn't admit to Zuko and Iroh that the ostrich horse was Song's, not mine.

"That's very kind of you, my dear," Iroh replied. I climbed onto Mushu and gestured for them to join me. Zuko settled in behind me, with Iroh behind him. Mushu ambled into the night.

Follow me (Zuko FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें