-Well, my offer is very clear - I muttered and licked my upper lip. I leaned towards him even lower. Our faces were only inches apart - Fuck you stalker - I said clearly, then I gathered my right hand in my fist and punched him right in his nuts.

Before Stranger could say or do anything, I already took my hands from him and turned to the door. I heard a mix of swearing as I ran to the exit door, while he was most likely racked on the floor with pain.

-You fucking bitch! - I only heard a quiet scream as the door closed behind me. I ran quickly to the bodyguard who was standing in the hallway.

- Make this man leave this fucking building in three minutes and never put his leg here again, do you understand? - I looked him in the eye despite the fact that he was at least a head taller than me.

The guy just nodded and moved towards the room I had just run out of. I went immediately in the opposite direction to the elevator that took me to the dressing room.

It felt the adrenaline. I had an accelerated breath and couldn't concentrate on anything. What the fuck did I do?

I put my hands in my hair to pull it and start walking left and right in a small room. After all, he will find me now and kill me. He knows my name! I stopped at the vanity and fell heavily on the chair.

- What the fuck just happened - I said to myself by and sat like this for another five minutes until I heard a quiet knock.

-Isabelle? We took this man, as you asked - the bodyguard spoke loudly through the closed door, apparently not wanting to go inside. I didn't complain - Everyone already has a description of him and they know he's on the black - he means the black list, list of names that have a ban on entering the area of our club - Is everything okay?

-Yes! - I shouted quickly to hear me through the thick door - What is his name? - I asked, not sure if I wanted to know.

-Thomas. Thomas Moretti - replied and began to say something about him, but I interrupted him.

-Thank you. I handle it myself - I said, and when I heard the bodyguard came out, I look at myself in the mirror.

What am I supposed to do with you now, Thomas?


Another Monday.

I hated everyone and everything on Mondays. The reason was obvious - school. But always at such moments I tried to comfort myself with the fact that I would see my friends.

Since I work at night on weekends, I rarely see them. I only had Matt almost seven days a week, thanks to the fact that we worked together. I was lucky to avoid him this weekend, but I knew that as soon as we see each other's, he'll ask me about all the details that missed him.

I tried to prepare for it mentally, but I couldn't make it. I gave up after the third crisis and a wave of crying last night. I hated keeping something in secret, especially from Matt. This time, however, I had to.

I washed my face with cold water and put mask on my face. During this time, I walked to my little closet to choose an outfit for today. There was way too much clothes and far too little space for them all. I have always admired the girls who kept the closet tidy.

Well, I was the fastest to find what I wanted - in my mess.

You can laugh, but for me it had its own specific order.

I chose denim boyfriends, to which I decided to wear my white sneakers and a white classic top, which had wider sleeves reaching the bend of elbow. As an ornament, I put a silver shiny chain at the waist and chose earrings for it - also silver, gently hanging from the ear. On top I decided to wear a white jacket made of plush material. After all, it was about fourteen degrees outside and I didn't want to freeze.

When I looked satisfied back in the mirror, I washed off the face mask and did small makeup. I applied foundation and powder, darkened my eyebrows and eyelashes, and finally added some blush to my cheeks. I finished the whole thing with my favorite cherry lip gloss. I tied my hair in a low pony so I could put a beige baseball cap on my head. I took out the individual strands.

I took a quick selfie on insta story and checked the time. Well, I think I'll be on time today I made sure I have everything and left the house for the bus that took me to school.

First three lessons went by very quickly, especially since I spent them texting with Matt. We were supposed to go get coffee again on a long break.

I was just sitting on maths and we start repeating the test. I remembered everything, so I quickly drifted away looking out the window at the birds. He showed up again before my eyes. A stranger who hasn't given me peace in two days. I kept wondering if it's a coincidence that he came across me in a club, or if he found me by some miracle.

I asked Luke about it, but he only said that it was a very fresh proposition and most likely Thomas just saw me on the dance floor in the main part of the club. Indeed, sometimes it happened, but I still didn't believe him.

I felt like I was getting a little hot, so I took my jacket off my shoulders and hung it on the back of the chair. Additionally, I got up to open the window because I felt it was getting stuffy in the classroom. They have probably already turned on the heatings.

I looked at the board to make sure we were still doing the same repetitions and sighed. Maybe if I focus on the lesson, I will forget about Thomas at least for a moment

I start to note down some random tasks in the notebook, which seemed more difficult, but after a while I gave up still feeling stuffy.

I took the water out of my purse and looked at my watch taking a sip. Twenty more minutes and I will go out into the yard to get some fresh air. Why is it so stuffy? They're already coming up with this stupid heating I thought and touched the radiator with my hand making sure it was warm. But It wasn't, It was cold as ice.

Something is wrong


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