Chapter 13

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Just as expected, back in the cursed prison. Elf looks around, meeting the gazes of many guards and even that of the prison warden herself. Now, instead of trying to get away, Elf gets a good hold on Jyugo, making sure he doesn't get away.

Hajime: Let him go. There is no getting away now. You are injured and surrounded. Give up now and you won't be hurt further.

Elf: Now, now, I don't see the point in doing all this going back and forth. Sure, I am here now. But we all know I will not be here for long, so why don't we come to an understanding.

Warden Momoko: No way.

Samon: HA! As if.

Elf: Ah! Would you look at that? The little monkey is here as well. Isn't it nice? Just the person I was looking for.

Samon: What? Do you want to die or something? There is no way I am going to agree to anything you say. Especially, since you and your freak friends are the reason my brother is dead.

Elf: Well now, what makes you think that old monkey is dead? He has always been a good resource to keep around.

Salmon: what...

Hajime: Monkey. Don't fall for it.

Warden Momoko: That is enough! There will be no deals made with any prisoners.

Elf: We'll see.

Elf relentlessly lets go of Jyugo and plops down on one of the hospital beds, his smirk ever present.

Elf: Well it would seem I am quite injured. I think I require medical assistance.

Warden Momoko: Okina.

Okina: On it warden.

Warden Momoko: Hajime, you take the first watch. I don't want that guy left alone.

Hajime: Of course warden.

Samon: What about...

Warden Momoko: You are coming with me for now, Samon. Also, for the time being, you are not to be left alone in the medical wing.

Samon: But...

Warden Momoko: No nothing, now come with me.

Elf: How interesting. Seems like we will spend some time together after all dear Jyugo.

Jyugo: You...

Hajime: You better shut up that mouth before I make you!

Elf: Hm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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