Chapter 10

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Jyugo POV

It has been a few days already since both the shackles and Six disappeared. It was strange in a way. The absence of the shackles around his wrists, the way his brain has been much more clear lately... Is that all due to Elf doing what he did? The fact that even Okina had no answer to any of his questions, well, that one was a bit more troubling. Even so, the most troubling thing right now would be Six. He took a lot of blood from me. What could he and Isou possibly need that much blood for?

Hajime: What are you thinking so intensely about, kid?

Jyugo: Too much.

Hajime: Really? Is your brain broken again?


Okina: With all due respect Hajime, please don't bully my patient. If he stops eating again because you caused him a great deal of mental anguish I will have no choice but to get someone else to guard him instead of you.

Hajime: Hah, like anyone else would want to.

Okina: Well, you never know. There might be a few individuals I might have in mind.

Hajime: Oh yeah, like who?

Okina: Wouldn't you like to know that?

Jyugo: I feel like if something were to cause me mental anguish it would definitely be hearing you two fighting.

Hitoshi: Who is fighting?

Hajime: There is no fight, but more importantly what are you doing here?

Hitoshi: Oh, I am here to bring you all something to eat.

Hajime: Thanks.

Okina: How nice of you.

Jyugo: I'm not hungry.

Hitoshi: Oh.


What the hell? I just ate not even an hour ago. How could I possibly be hungry enough to eat another full meal?!

Jyugo: *sigh* I guess I could eat a few bites.

And if my stomach pops you are gonna have to be the one to stitch me up, old man.

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