Back of the Bike

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"Harlow are you listening to me!" Jackie, my manager, yells while waving her hands back and forth in front of my face. Startled I am brought back to the present, sitting in a corner in a cafe sipping my cappuccino.

"Yes Jackie, relax! I heard everything.  The driver will arrive at 7am to take me to the airport.  Everything is already packed, and I am ready." For the last three weeks Jackies been pacing a hole in her office floor stressing about the first leg of my Asia tour.  Who would've thought poor nerdy Harlow from New Jersey would end up headlining a world tour. Though I was excited about the tour taking off so many thoughts ran through my head. My first worry would be that I was leaving ahead of everyone and would be in China alone for the first two weeks doing press runs.  So of course, I was excited but so much of my head would still be caught up in life here in LA.

I sat at the table tapping my index finger on the rim of the cute little plate under my cup. Jackies voice trailed away as my memory brought me back to ten years ago, reminding me of the second reason I felt so reluctant about going to China.



I stretched my arms out to the sky as we zoomed through traffic on the back of his motorbike.  I'd been in China for over a year, focused on my schoolwork and nothing else, when Haoyu Xu crashed into my life. He was the 'it' guy on campus and somehow, he ended up with me.  Shy, little dorky Harlow.

As we pulled up in from of the night club, we were supposed to meet our friends at, I could hear the hip-hop music blaring inside. I pretended that I didn't notice all of the looks we got as the black girl with big curly hair walked hand and hand into the club, skipping the line, and entering the club with the hot guy on all of the posters in front of the club.  Though I loved Haoyu, I hated all of the attention that followed him around.  I hated being caught under the gaze of so many people, but that was the amazing thing about being with Haoyu.  He attracted everyone's attention.  He radiated light and confidence.  He is the son of one of the city's largest companies and the sole heir of his family's massive fortune.  He was also known across the city for his talent in rapping.  It didn't help that he was drop dead gorgeous. That was all great, but to me he was just Hao. My sweet boyfriend who wore thick rimmed, damn near bifocal, glasses around the house, couldn't boil water for the life of him, and whose hair was always messy as if he just rolled out of bed.  He was clumsy and liked to make the corniest dad jokes. Of course, he was only like that with me.  Most people only knew him by what they saw on the news or on social media.  Of course this didn't bode well for me.  Most people assumed I was a gold digger or a social climber, who somehow charmed her way into Hao's pants. 

I tell myself I don't care what they think. It's not like those people actually knew me. As long as Hao knew how I felt, and the people around me knew what kind of person I was it didn't matter.  This life didn't really fit me. I'd rather be in the library back at school or in a quiet cafe somewhere reading a book.  Yet here I was in this loud and crowded club.

As we ascended the steps and moved beyond the red velvet rope separating the section from the rest of the club goers, I was envelope by two skinny arms.  "Baby! You made it! I thought we were going to have to drag you out of the library.  I'm glad you changed out of those ugly sweatpants.  You look gorgeous tonight! Hao, how did you get her to come out?" Hao laughed and responded, "of course she came out! Its Friday night!"

I hugged my best friend Solei back.  "Looks like the fun started before we arrived. I take a drink of whatever she has." Just then Hao gestured for the server to come to our table and ordered my drink.  I sat next to my friend and enjoyed my drink while the club went into full swing around me.  The club was packed as news spread on all of the social media platforms that Hao was debuting a new song tonight.

As I finally settled in comfortably, a chill ran down my spine causing me to turn.  In the corner of the private section was Xining giving me the iciest stare down with her two lackeys.  Sensing that she got my attention, she sauntered over to me and Solei, making sure to sway her hips hoping to grab the attention of all the guys, with one particular guy in mind. Forcing herself between Hao and I, she sat down purposely rubbing her legs against him. "Hao Ge, I am so glad you finally arrived.  You know the fun doesn't start until you arrive." Hao adjusted his legs away from her and stood up. "What's up Xining", he nodded at her and then walked away as someone gestured over to him. Stepping over her legs, he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek whispering into my ear, "I'll be back, it looks like it's time for me to go up" and headed over to the side room just off the stage.

Upset about his rejection, Xining turned her icy glare on me again. "Bitch, why is it that you are always around Hao. You still don't seem to know your place! This is why you can't be nice to the poor! They're like fucking leeches. Damn hard to pry off." Her two lackeys agreed in unison behind her. "I can't wait for Hao to get sick of playing with you."

I chewed the bottom of my lip.  Xining had been up to this for months now.  She pretends to be weak and kind in front of Hao.  Every once and a while she brushes against him with little touches and reminders of the times they had as kids growing up together.  With every brush off he gives her, she then changes face toward me. Pulling me from my thoughts, I hear Solei respond, "I'm sure Hao knows that your ugly mouth and words match your ugly face. He can probably see right through your fake ass mask."

Xining turned, "humph, once again Harlow is too mousey and weak to speak up for herself.  You know bitch, you won't always be around to protect her."

Solei let out a laugh, "She doesn't need to entertain your petty ass.  Your jealous and everyone can see it.  Your sick that Hao chooses Harlow every time. Me however, I always have time to go toe to toe with hating as hoes."

Xining rolled her eyes, "it doesn't matter what you say, we'll see who the last standing is, the Xi family will never accept this bitch. She's just a momentary fling.  It will be me standing beside Hao Ge in ten years!"

With that, the DJ's voice came booming over the loudspeaker. "Alright everyone give it up for Hao!" The crowd let out a loud scream and rushed toward the stage.

I pulled Solei's arm, "Girl don't worry about her.  We already know she's all talk.  Hao isn't worried about her." Bringing our attention back to the stage we followed Hao as he worked the stage. Across the speaker, the beat to the song started playing " I want to take this moment to dedicate this song to my girl Low, I love you". The room erupting in screams, some of excitement, and some out of jealousy. Me however, I couldn't believe he just did that in front of so many people.  In that moment, I was in pure love.

The night went on with, Solei and I drinking a bit too much. We danced the night away and before long it was almost time to go.   As a song with a slower tempo began playing, Hao and I danced with each other.  In his arms, I stared at him in his eyes, and knew that this was it for me, I was in love.  "Hao, I love you too." He looked down at me and enveloped me in a deep kiss, making my knees weak. 

Around us, our friends whistled and teased us for being lovey dovey in the club. "Alright guys, we should go, I think Low has drunk her fill for the night."

Solei grasped my hands in hers, "LowLow get home safe.  I'll talk to you in the morning okay." I shook my head up and down. "Lei, I'll talk to you later." I turned my head looking at Xiaowei, "Wei, make sure you get my best friend home safe!"

Xiaowei let out a laugh. "Of course, I always take care of my princess!" Solei looked at him with love and adoration in her eyes.  My friend was in love too! We moved across the world for school and found our love. Xiaowei turned to Hao, "Alright, bro, I'll see you later. Be safe.

We headed out the door, in preparation to go home.  Hao was right, I definitely drank more than I usually would. On the back of his bike, we rode off feeling the breeze.  By the time we arrived at my studio apartment, I was beyond drunk.  I was so caught up in the feelings that had been building until this time.  By the time Hao carried me through the door I had caused him to lose his will to resist. "Low are you sure about this?" He said huskily with concern in his eyes.

I looked at him with hooded eyes filled with desire.

The Long Way AroundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora