Chapter 1: Rollercoaster

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(Scene opens up with the camera zooming into the backyard.)

Phineas: So, Ferb, what do you wanna do today?

(Ferb shrugs.)

Phineas: What about Perry? What does he want to do?

(Perry chatters)

Phineas: Well, he's a platypus. They don't do much. I, for one, am starting to get bored, and boredom is something up with which I will not put! The first thing they're gonna ask us when we get back to school is "what did we do over the summer?". I mean, no school for three months. Our life should be a rollercoaster! And I mean a good rollercoaster. Not like that one we rode at the state fair...

(Flashback on a rollercoaster at the state fair. It goes over one tiny hill then ends.)

Fair Worker: Please exit to the left.

(End flashback.)

Phineas: Man, that was lame. Why, if I built a rollercoaster, I would... (Gets idea; angelic chorus plays) That's it! I know what we're gonna do today!

Linda: Phineas, Ferb. I'm gonna pick up a few things. You boys stay out of trouble, okay?

Phineas: Okay, Mom. (At Ferb) We're gonna build a rollercoaster! But should we get Y/n and Bronya to help?

(Ferb nods)

(Linda gets into the car; Candace comes over.)

Candace: I'm in charge, right? You did tell them I'm in charge?

Linda: Well techinally Y/n is the oldest so he would be in charge and most likely he would make Bronya his second in command.

Candace: But they don't take anything seriously like I do!

Linda: Relax, Candace, nobody has to be in charge.

Candace: But what if there's an emergency.

Linda: Y/n and Bronya both have PHD's and Medical Licenses, what could possibly happen that they couldn't handle?

Candace: What if a... What if a satellite falls out of orbit and crashes into the house? (smiles)

Linda: If that happens, you're in charge.

Candace: Yes!

(Meanwhile Phineas and Ferb make their way down the basement stairs where they hear a song playing.)

Phineas: Wow we hear her music a lot don't we?

(Ferb nods)

Phineas: They have good taste in artists. Alright Ferb, do you have the document for the code words for the week?

(Ferb nods and pulls out a piece of paper)

Phineas: Thank goodness for these.

(Phineas the knocks on the door and the music stops)

Y/n: This is a bucket.

Phineas: Dear God.

Y/n: There's more.

Phineas: No!

(The door then opens to reveal Y/n who takes off his goggles.)

Y/n: Sup Phineas, Ferb, what brings you two by today?

(Bronya then walks up next to Y/n)

Bronya: Sup.

Phineas: Yo, me and Ferb are gonna build a rollercoaster, you two in?

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