[07] ━━━ his dark shadow

Start from the beginning

"what about isaac?" scott worriedly asks.

"maybe we should stop by the hospital before going to school." melissa suggests.


at the hospital, that same day, scott mccall and melissa mccall enters inside the hospital, making their way to isaac's room, when they saw aurora de lune lying asleep on a chair.

aurora had her knees up to her chest, her head rested on her knees, her hair dangling.

"rory?" scott softly says.

"she's been here for two days straight." melissa sighs out.

scott calls out her name. "rory."

aurora, still with her eyes closed, mumbles sleepily. "hm?"

scott noticed that aurora didn't make a move to get up.


aurora jumps out of the chair, clumsily standing up, her eyes staring at him in surprise.

"you been here all night?" scott then asks.

"they won't let me in, i'm not related to him, and i don't think he has any more family..." aurora shrugs, a sad look in her green eyes.

"he got us, and i've got a key card." melissa says, sliding the card on the door, making the door open.

"be quick." melissa says.

scott and aurora walked inside the room, aurora seemed concerned and confused as she saw isaac not healing at all.

"isn't he supposed to be healing?" aurora confusingly asks.

"i'm gonna teach you something." scott says.

"what?" aurora confusingly asks.

"it won't help closing in the wounds, but, it'll ease up the pain." scott says, holding onto isaac' arm.

aurora then saw black veins crawling up scott's arm, him panting in pain.

scott heavily breaths out, pulling away from isaac.

"you're in pain." aurora says.

"pain makes you human, try it." scott states.

scott then took aurora's hand in his, making her hold onto isaac's hand.

"just feel it, think of it as wanting to relieve him every pain, and make it yours." scott says.

black veins started to crawl up isaac's arm, transferring to aurora's, her feeling every second of his pain.

scott then held onto aurora's hand, taking her hand away from isaac's.

"take his pain, but not too much to hurt yourself, he'll be fine." scott reassures.

aurora then pulled scott in for a hug, which clearly alarmed him, but he hugged her back.

aurora then pulled away, gratefully looking at him. "thank you."

"what about stiles?" aurora then asks.

"we'll find him." scott says.

"...depends on which one you find." aurora mumbles.

"we'll find them both." scott then says.

"chaos, strife and pain." aurora whispers.

"that thing caused chaos, strife and pain and i don't think it'll stop until someone's dead." aurora says devasted.

"isaac's going to be okay." scott assures.

"i'm not talking about isaac alone, i'm talking about everyone else, like you." aurora says worriedly.

scott sighs out, softly looking at her.

"no one's going to die, or get hurt, i'll make sure of it." scott says determined.


at the de lune's residence inside the living room, aurora was seen lying on a couch, her eyes looking into the fireplace.

"you really think your mccall friend is going to save everyone?" sylvester says, walking inside the room.

aurora quickly sat up, looking at her uncle. "you can't save them all, but, you have to try, right?"

"and, i don't see you helping." aurora sighs out.

"i help you, i don't care about your friends, i came back here for you, that's it, okay?" sylvester gave her a hard gaze.

"yeah, well–––i do, i care about them." aurora snidely says.

"what has gotten into you?" sylvester frowns at her.

aurora scoffs. "me? I think i should be asking you that, ever since you've come back you've been acting so different."

"death changed me, but, you have changed also, you're letting your werewolf boyfriend come in between us!"

"...how are you even alive? because–––nessa saw you dying, and when she came back, your body was gone, so, excuse me for listening to my 'werewolf boyfriend'." aurora sneers.

"shouldn't you be at school?" sylvester ignores her question, giving her a glare.

aurora glares at him, but then gave him a smile. "i'll leave."

"i have somewhere else to be anyways." aurora sighs out, shrugging at him.

sylvester then watched as aurora had leave, him then sighing out, an irritated look in his eyes.



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