Chapter 23: Jungkook's Plan

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Previous Chapter:

Jungkook: Did you put the same amount of food I asked for, right?

Head maid: Yes, your highness. We put the amount of food that won't make them full, and they'll be half hungry.

Jungkook nodded before excusing the maids.

When the maids left, Jungkook's lips formed a small, creepy smile.

Author's POV:

After a few hours, Jungkook entered his mates' room again.

When Jungkook entered, he noticed them sleeping peacefully.

He smirked before going towards Jin.

Jungkook: Hyung, wake up.

Jungkook shook him, and he groaned sleepily.

Jungkook: Hyung, I want to eat ice cream.

Jungkook whined.

Jin opened his eyes.

Jin: Kook, I really need sleep. I feel weak.

Jin said groggily.

Jungkook: You don't love me anymore, hyung.

Jungkook said, looking down sadly.

Jin widened his eyes and quickly held Jungkook's hands.

Jin: No, baby. I love you a lot. I'll go now.

Jin got up and went to buy ice cream, wincing a little bit.

Jungkook smirked before looking at Hobi.

Jungkook: Hyung, wake up. I want a donut.

Jungkook said, shaking Hobi, who slowly opened his eyes, still in pain.

Hobi: Huh?

Hobi asked, confused.

Jungkook: I want donuts.

Jungkook said with his innocent doe eyes.

Hobi nodded his head and got up with a groan. He limped towards the door and went to bring what Jungkook asked for.

That's how Jungkook made all of the brothers wake up and order something for them. They all went to fetch those things while groaning and wincing in pain.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at them before walking out of the room.

He was walking towards the living room when Soobin came in front of him and pulled his baby into his arms.

Jungkook: Mama, what's wrong?

Jungkook asked him.

Soobin: Baby, I heard you freed Jin, Hobi, Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung. What are you up to, baby? I know you can't forgive them this easily. Your human form will forgive them because it's too pure, but I'm 100 percent sure that your wolf form won't.

Jungkook stared at his mama for a few seconds before his eyes turned golden.

Soobin: Gguk, what are you up to?

Gguk: I'll never forgive them. I'll make them fall hard in love with me, and then I'll break their hearts to pieces. I'll blackmail them every day into doing what I want. I'll heal them, and then I'll break them twice as hard. I don't want them to suffer physically; I want them to suffer mentally.

Soobin: And Yoongi. He doesn't believe in love after what happened to him.

Gguk: He's hard, Mama, but I have my ways. I'll give him a second heartbreak. You know that the second time is way worse than the first time. The first time you get heartbroken, you're hurt, but when it happens again, the pain is more than the first time. You know why? Because you knew you should've been careful and shouldn't have made the same mistake, but you did it anyway.

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