Mulai dari awal

Kurt and Seth stood nearby, remorse shadowing their features. They acknowledged their impulsive behavior, swept up by the fervor of their bond and the rush of their mating ritual. Now, faced with the repercussions, they watched as Dirk remained motionless, unresponsive to their presence.

Their Birth Omega's warning proved true—the room saturated with Dirk's pheromones demanded the utmost self-control from the Lycgers to resist his allure and prevent the release of their pheromones.

The pack elders observed from afar, their knowing gazes reflecting both concern and empathy. They comprehended the potency of the mating bond and the caution required in handling it. Malta's claim on Dirk cast a looming shadow, a threat holding their mate in an unconscious grip.

In a voice laden with emotion, Tricc implored the elders, "We must do everything in our power to revive him. Our mate's life hangs in the balance, and losing him is not an option." Kurt and Seth affirmed their commitment, determination glinting in their eyes.

The elders deliberated, formulating a strategy to shatter Malta's influence over Dirk and rouse him from his slumber. This endeavor would demand significant sacrifice, testing their allegiance and love for their mate. Aware of the stakes, they steeled themselves, ready to undertake any challenge to rescue Dirk.

With solemn determination, the Lycgers readied themselves for the ritual that would shape Dirk's destiny. They encircled him, hands clasped in unity and strength. Tricc, Kurt, and Seth closed their eyes, focusing their thoughts on their mate, their resolve unwavering as they set out to bring him back to consciousness.

As the ritual commenced, Caleb stood steadfast behind his sons, providing great support as a surge of energy coursed through the room, encasing Dirk in a luminous cocoon of power and light. The Lycgers poured their love, devotion, and essence into the ritual, willing Dirk to wake from his slumber and reunite with them.

In a moment brimming with intensity, their bond radiated brighter than ever before, signaling a stirring of movement amid the silence. Dirk's fingers twitched, his eyelids fluttering open as he drew a shaky breath. The Lycgers held their breath, their hearts racing with a blend of hope and fear.

As Dirk's gaze met theirs, a glimmer of recognition illuminated his eyes. Extending his hand towards them, he whispered, "I am yours, always and forever."

With those words, the spell shattered, infusing them with renewed determination as they gathered their mate in a fervent embrace, claiming his lips as their own. Their souls intertwined, the bond resonating with crystal clarity as Dirk regained consciousness, his eyes fully opened to reveal a smile directed at them.

Amidst a series of deep kisses, Dirk's affections transitioned from one Lycger to the next, each touch lingering in profound connection. Pulling back slightly, he gazed at them with adoration, proclaiming, "My mates," his words dripping with love and devotion.

Drawing him nearer, the Lycgers enveloped their mate in a tight embrace, cherishing him like a priceless gem. Sensing his healing within their shared bond, their desires surged, unknowingly releasing their pheromones once more, triggering Dirk's Heat.

As Tricc leaned in for a kiss, eliciting a seductive moan from the Lion, their intimate moment was interrupted by Caleb clearing his throat, prompting the Lycgers to turn towards their Birth Omega's cautionary gaze.

They had nearly forgotten that they were in a room filled with Elders and family.

Dare came forward and helped his son to his feet, taking him into his arms, he smiled tenderly at the Lycgers. "I know you yearn to be with your mate, but I request some time alone with him...You are welcome to return to the house later," he chuckled at their growls of protest.

Caleb, with a mix of exasperation and amusement, began guiding Seth and Kurt out of the room, playfully tugging at their ears. Leon and Conri chuckled as they followed their mates, sharing knowing glances.

"It's going to be a challenge to keep them apart now, isn't it?" Leon remarked to Conri, who nodded with a chuckle.

"A complete disaster," Conri added, jesting, "I should hurry and send them away." Leon laughed in agreement.

"It's an impossible task in every sense," Leon replied.

"I know, but a father can always try," Conri quipped as they strolled out of the building, veering in a different direction from where their mates had gone.

Observing from a distance, Noira and Layla exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the tumultuous journey that lay ahead for the Lycgers and their mate.


As Noira and Layla observed the Lycgers and their mates departing in different directions, they exchanged a knowing look, both understanding the challenges and joys that came with the intricacies of the mating bond. Noira's gaze lingered on Tricc, Kurt, Seth, and Dirk, a sense of protectiveness washing over her as they navigated the complexities of their newfound connection.

"Who knows what difficulties they have all faced these past few years... I've often wondered." Her brows twisted worriedly as she glanced over to Layla.

Layla placed a comforting hand on Noira's shoulder, offering silent support before they turned to follow the group back to the Packhouse. As they walked through the lush forest surrounding the building, the sounds of nature providing a soothing backdrop to their thoughts, Layla spoke softly, "It's going to be quite the adjustment for all of them, especially with Dirk's marking on your brothers."

Noira nodded in agreement, her mind swirling with concerns and hopes for the future of the pack. "Yes, the bond between them is strong, but they will need time to find their footing and establish a new dynamic within the pack, and in their lives."

Layla agreed with a nod, "I sense danger in every direction I look, it's almost like it's hanging behind them... following their every step... it unnerves me."

Noira's gaze shifted from the Packhouse to her best friend, as if Layla had just spoken the words hanging on the tip of her tongue. "I feel it too..." she told her. "We must protect our brothers!" She charged and Layla agreed.

As they approached the Packhouse, the vibrant energy of the pack members greeted them, the air tinged with anticipation and curiosity. Noira and Layla exchanged smiles with the other pack members, acknowledging the unspoken bond that connected them all.

Inside the house, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of emotions - relief, excitement, and a hint of fear. Tricc, Kurt, and Seth stood together, their expressions a blend of eagerness and vulnerability as they awaited Dirk's return.

Noira and Layla moved closer to the group, their presence a source of comfort and reassurance. Noira spoke softly, her voice filled with warmth, "We are here for you, every step of the way." To her words, Layla nodded with a great smiles on her face.

Tricc pulled the smaller omegas in and hugged them tightly until they were crying to be let down. They may be in their twenties but both are incredibly small in stature. The doors to Corni's office opened and Caleb ushered all three Lycgers into the room. As they walked away, Layla held Noira's hand.

It isn't over yet.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat) (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang