chapter seven

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the beginning:
a stupid crush


SEIREN was on high alert, her senses heightened as she detected a sudden movement in her peripheral vision. She quickly leaped away from the strike of a fireball that was charging towards her way. As she regained her stance, she pulled out her kunai and charged toward her opponent, Hatake Keishi, who was grinning with excitement.

Seiren's heart raced as she focused on the task at hand - to defeat Keishi. She lunged forward and struck with her kunai, but Keishi was quick to block her attacks with his weapon. With every move, Seiren felt a surge of adrenaline rush through her veins as she tried to outmaneuver Keishi.

Despite her best efforts, Keishi always proved to be a worthy opponent, dodging and blocking her every move with ease. Finally, after a long and grueling battle, Keishi tapped Seiren's forehead, signifying his win. "I win," he sang triumphantly, while Seiren huffed and sat on the ground in exhaustion. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, and looked up at Keishi with a faint smile, acknowledging his victory.

Seiren was feeling quite upset and frustrated. "No fair," she muttered while stabbing her kunai on the ground. Keishi chuckled at her childish behavior and sat down next to her. He then gently parted a strand of her hair and twirled it with his finger. "But on the bright side," he said, "you are getting better." Seiren turned her head to face him with a bright smile, desperate for some encouragement. "Really?" she gasped with excitement.

Keishi nodded with a warm smile, and just then, Seiren leaped towards him, embracing him completely with a soft squeal of joy. He smiled softly to himself, feeling proud of her progress. He rested his palm on her waist and patted her back as a gesture of proudness. "You are going to be a great kunoichi, Sei," he said, reassuringly.

"Just have faith and hope. Don't ever lose any of that."

He then pulled something out from her pocket and reached for it to her. "Here." She held her palm out and let a bracelet brace it on her palm. A large pearl was tangled between the strands of leather that held it together.

"Is that...?"

"I place some of my chakras on that bead," he said and looked at the sky "It's one of the justu I somewhat achieved." Seiren looks at the bracelet with fascination. "Whenever you're in danger, just smash this bead and I'll come to you."

Seiren gape at the sudden knowledge "Really? It's like a transportation jutsu?" Keishi nodded "Yeah. My teacher has created and perfected this jutsu. Although, it took him years to perfect it."

"Although, the person needs to hold more chakra than any shinobi can retain."

"Wow! Your teacher must be awesome!" Keishi smirks and scoffs "Of course! He's one of the remaining Senju here!" he boasted, Seiren's lips parted, and leaned closer to him "You mean— Your teacher is related to Lady Tsunade?!" Keishi just winks in reply.


Seiren has to skip a day of her class due to medical checkups it was somewhat a bummer as Shino announced last week that there would be a special exercise but it is a win-win as she'll have her day with Sakura as she's now sitting in a wheelchair with Sakura pushing her to the hall. It was just a few hours after her check-up with her legs, and the anesthesia still hadn't worn off.

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