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In the world of "ily" , here I am, thinking that if I had a lover , I would tell her how her brown eyes seem to shine and soaks me inside them when the morning rays falls on her , I would tuck her hair behind her ears and make coffee for us so we could drink it together , I would tell her that she is the reason I keep going and she is the reason I go to school ,to only look at her and that when she smiles , my mood instantly lights up, her smile is the only reason I am alive aaaand yup I am back to reality. Okay so everything was going good but this stupid alarm had to go off. Dammit universe really?? Ugh great now I have to get ready for the damn school. I HATE SCHOOL!!!! .Do not get me wrong I am a Straight A student but that does not have anything to do with me loving or hating school right??like studying is a different thing but, man!! getting out of bed every morning kills me. Okay so I realize I have not introduced myself yet sooooo....dramatic coming of age teen book intro time.. YAY!!(not excited).Drum rolls please...okay let's go for howl's moving caste's Merry go round of life instead of drum rolls. I LOVE IT!!! .

So hello there, English is not my first language yet I will try my very best to deliver my introduction and My story.

I am your normal 16 year old teenage boy who lives literature , breathes science and loves HER.I just stated three things I love the most in this universe and music too I guess since I have been learning guitar for half an year now. The name is Vivek(means intelligence) and I am the type of guy who is friends with everyone in the class but never too close with anyone and thus I guess I acknowledge the fact that I tend to keep boundaries even with people I have known for years.So hello..this is me and My Story which made me believe in love.

Her Smile Makes Me Feel AliveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang