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That night,
Leo: Quietly entering Caspian and Damien's room, shaking them gently, "Psst, wake up, you two! I have a brilliant idea!"

Caspian: Groggily, "Leo? What's going on? It's the middle of the night..."

Damien: Rubbing his eyes, "Yeah, Leo. Can't this wait until morning?"

Leo: Excitedly, "But you don't understand! The moon is shining so beautifully tonight, and the gardens are bathed in its glow. It's the perfect time for a midnight stroll!"

Caspian: Yawning, "As tempting as that sounds, Leo, I think I'd prefer to stay right here in bed."

Damien: Nodding in agreement, "Yeah, I'm with Caspian on this one. Besides, I'm practically asleep already."

Leo: Pouting, "Oh, come on, you two! Where's your sense of adventure? Just imagine the serenity of the gardens at this hour!"

Caspian: Smirking, "I'm sure it's lovely, Leo, but I think I'll have to take your word for it. I'll appreciate it much more after a good night's sleep."

Damien: Chuckling, "Yeah, count me out for tonight, Leo. But feel free to enjoy the peacefulness on your own."

Leo: Sighing dramatically, "Fine, fine. Suit yourselves, party poopers. But mark my words, you'll be missing out on an unforgettable experience!"

Caspian: With a laugh, "We'll take our chances, Leo. Now let us get back to sleep before you wake up the entire palace!"

Damien: Snuggling back under the covers, "Agreed. Goodnight, Leo."

Leo: Grumbling playfully, "Fine, fine. Goodnight, you two. But don't blame me when you regret not joining me!"

As Prince Leo wandered through the royal gardens, despite his initial disappointment at his cousins' refusal to join him, Leo found comfort in the peacefulness of the night.

Lost in thought, he strolled along the winding paths, the soft crunch of pebbles beneath his feet the only sound breaking the silence. The fragrance of blooming flowers filled the air, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze added to the serene atmosphere.

Suddenly, Leo's daydreaming was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. Assuming it was Caspian and Damien coming to join him after all, he turned with a hopeful smile. But to his surprise, it wasn't his cousins who emerged from the shadows.

Instead, a figure clad in dark clothing stepped into the moonlight, their features covered up by the dimness of the night. Leo's heart quickened with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as he watched the stranger draw nearer.

"Who goes there?" Leo called out, his voice echoing faintly in the stillness of the night.

The figure halted, for a moment, there was silence, the tension thick in the air. Then, to Leo's relief, a young woman spoke in a voice tinged with urgency.

"Forgive me, Your Highness," the figure said, I mean no harm. I was simply drawn to the beauty of the gardens, much like yourself."

Leo studied the stranger. Despite his initial caution, Leo sensed no harshness in her behavior.

"I see," Leo replied, relaxing slightly. "Well, you are welcome to enjoy the gardens as I am. But I must admit, your sudden appearance startled me."

The stranger said, "My apologies, Your Highness. I did not mean to startle you. It's just that these gardens hold a certain charm, especially under the light of the moon."

Leo nodded in understanding, a sense of rapport forming between them. "Indeed, they do," he agreed. "There's something magical about them at night."

The stranger nodded in agreement, their gaze drifting to the blooming flowers and shimmering fountains that adorned the garden. For a moment, they stood in companionable silence, sharing in the beauty of the night.

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