The speech went on, lasting an hour. When he gave his last inspirational call, the crowd stood up and began cheering and chanting Megatronus' name. Femmes were crying while the mechs screamed in a victorious cry. The event of speeches had seemed to captivate the sparks of the Cybertronians.

Everyone except Orion. He was not accustomed to the realization that there was a problem in the order of how Cybertronians were treated and the difference amongst the classes. Perhaps his life with Alpha Trion did not permit him to understand such things. He tried to process Megatronus' words.

Aerial seemed to understand. She was cheering with the rest and seemed to have glossy optics herself. Orion hummed in thought, even in the noise. He would speak to Megatronus later. He wanted to understand.


Once the ceremony had passed and the gladiators finally dispersed, Orion went after his friend. Aerial left and the two mechs were alone in the calmed Tiger Pax.

"Megatronus!" Orion called and the gray mech turned around at the sound of his name.

"Orion!" he smiled towards his friend. "I'm very pleased you were able to come. It is indeed a good cause, isn't it?"

"Yes, I appreciate the change the gladiators are willing to make." Orion paused for a moment, then heaved a sigh while shaking his helm. "But... I wanted a minute to speak with you about your speech. Your suggestion in treating all Cybertronians as equals sounds just fine. I only wonder what your true ideation of it really is."

Megatronus motioned for Orion to walk beside him, the glow of his optics welcoming. "Tell me your concerns."

Heaving a sigh, Orion gave his honest thoughts. "Equality is a beautiful thing. Why would gladiators care? What is the benefit? What would you be fighting alongside the Primes for? Basic Cybertronian rights?"

Megatronus laughed. "Orion, you clearly spend too much time at Iacon. Cybertron is riddled with discrimination, unfair advantage with all the cards handed towards those who control our world. The higher power is always holding the upper hand. Those who are different are turned away, in schools, jobs... I've used my position to convince my fellow gladiators to fight for this belief: that all Cybertronians should be treated as equals and our politics should reflect that belief."

"What motivated them to follow you?"

"The Council would have arrested them for their illegal games otherwise." Megatronus took a breath. "This change in lifestyle for them prevented that outcome."

Orion mouthed an 'oh', continuing to follow his friend. The hot sun beat on their metal armor and they were glad to find some shade after turning a corner.

"I am realizing this is something I know very little about," Orion admitted.

Giving him an understanding clasp on his shoulder, Megatronus replied, "Then I encourage you to look into it. I am certain Iacon is filled with information, even some the Council wouldn't want you to see."

"You don't..." Orion swallowed, "you don't suppose Alpha Trion would be against this idea, do you? He is a member of the Council."

"I can't be certain, but I still encourage you to study what you can. Only then can you begin to see what is truly happening with our people." He noticed Orion's uncertain expression and he stopped their walking pace. "My friend, I care for you deeply and I want you to know that this is a belief I would be willing to give my life for. I want to see Cybertronians like yourself rising up against the corrupt. Imagine what our actions could do to make a better place for those we love, for even our future children and their children if we're to have them."

Orion nodded. "If I study some, will you continue to share with me your experiences?"

"Always. I trust that you will be a fast learner and your humble spirit would do well in spreading the word."

"Hmm..." Orion thought for a moment, wondering what this would entail. He knew Aerial would definitely be interested. "I'll see what I can find and we can meet up soon. What should I look for first?"

Megatronus thought for a moment, then replied, "Read up on the establishment of our government. History is the greatest story for revealing true colors. You will see how our treatment of citizens became corrupt over time."

"Then I won't waste a moment. Alpha Trion will want me back soon anyway."

Megatronus laughed, pleased with their interaction. "Then be gone, my friend. You have plenty of studying to do."

Orion took the permission to leave and began to rush back toward the Iacon Hall of Records. Cybertron's sun was beating hotter than ever but he didn't seem to notice. He thought about the task at hand. There was so much unknown and he wondered if this would get him in trouble, yet the curiosity was burning. Knowing exactly where to look, he could imagine the hours of studying ahead of him and was excited to see where he would end up from this knowledge. With that thought, Orion saw Iacon coming into view, and he was soon back inside the Hall of Records.

Once Orion PaxWhere stories live. Discover now