Chapter 2

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The new day had come, putting all worries to rest. It was the day Megatronus would give his speech and Orion intended to be there on time. With barely a moment to spare, he rushed through his morning chores and went off to fetch Aerial, who in turn, was ready to move along as fast as he was.

Once they arrived, Orion's optics bulged out wide at the sight of the huge crowd near the entrance to where the ceremony was to be held. It appeared as if all of Cybertron had come to watch Megatronus and the other gladiators give their speeches.

"So, we're not here to see any fighting?" Aerial asked Orion in a confused manner as they somehow managed to make their way through the crowd. "Just speeches, huh? I mean, they are gladiators, not politicians..."

"I understand each gladiator will be giving a speech on how they believe their new contribution to our planet will help society. " Orion replied, making sure he held onto Aerial's servo tightly, just so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd. They made it to their seats shortly and he continued. "The Council is deciding whether or not we should let the gladiators fight alongside the Primes, just in case something happened to Primus and the power he was submitting to the core started to wane."

Aerial nodded and then looked ahead to examine her surroundings, now that she could see better. The crowd had calmed down at last. They were seated in the Tyger Pax arena, right at the center of the very city the arena was named after. It was indeed a large place, popular for its illegal gladiator games, where Cybertronians would fight to the death. It was at a time a popular sport, until it was banned. Now the gladiators wanted a new chance: to still fight but not each other. At least that was their approach. Aerial could see the gladiators walking in to the center of the arena. Everyone stood up and cheered for each one; smiles were on the faceplates of all who were there.

The crowd then sat down and became instantly quiet as the first gladiator stepped forward. He cleared his throat quickly and began to speak. He told of his experiences in the gladiator games; how much blood, or energon was on his servos. He wanted it to end. He spoke of how Cybertron would be a better place with the gladiators putting their power towards good and not killing for sport. He pleaded that the Council would grant them the rights to do so, and as he ended his speech, he had the crowd cheering.

The other gladiators took their turns, giving their opinions and their want for the rights suggested to them. The hours passed, up until Megatronus was the last one left. He walked up and looked around at the crowd. Orion stared at his figure that looked small from where both he and Aerial sat on a balcony. There was only a few seconds of silence and then Megatronus began.

"My fellow Cybertronians! You have sat patiently and listened to each and every one of these fine speakers here, and it pleases me to see how much you all care. For years, us gladiators have battled to the death, spilling our energon over and over again. I joined the gladiators to make a change, to stop the killing of each other. We have all bypassed something that will indeed bring peace to Cybertron: that all Cybertronians should be treated as equals. All! Why are we allowing the high and mighty rise above while others are stomped on underneath their power?"

Orion watched as the confidence overtook his friend. This desire to supplement equality amongst their kind was an admirable desire, but what would prompt an entire band of gladiators to speak for the same thing? It certainly was gaining the favor of the people. It would surely catch the eyes of the Council members, maybe even enough to grant them a visitation. With these thoughts, Orion listened as the speech went on.

Megatronus continued. "Together, we can convince the Council to give us gladiators the rights we ask for. We can make Cybertron a better place! Who will stand with us? Who will beg the Council for our voices to be heard? Who will put aside their pride and hear my voice?! Heed these words and plead for Cybertron's greater good!"

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