(Part 13) 🪫Jackson🦜

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Sunny's POV

As I stirred awake from my slumber on the couch, I realized that I had been cooped up indoors for a few days now. Determined to break free from the monotony of my routine, I resolved to venture out and explore the vicinity. My gaze settled upon my long coat, draped lazily over a nearby hook, and I reached for it instinctively. As I slipped into my trusty old shoes, I braced myself for the chill of the morning air. With a deep breath, I opened the door and was greeted by a refreshing breeze, gently stirring the leaves of the trees in the distance. Despite being a small village, there was an air of mystery and intrigue to the place that beckoned me to explore every nook and cranny.

As I was strolling along a path, I couldn't help but feel a sense of monotony that began to take over me. My feet continued to drag along the dirt road until I caught sight of an area rich with trees and lush greenery. Without a moment's hesitation, I decided to veer off the well-trodden path and explore this enchanting forest. The sound of rustling leaves, chirping birds, and buzzing insects surrounded me as I delved deeper into the woods. Amidst the symphony of nature, I caught a glimpse of a magnificent creature - a fox with striking white and orange fur. I was tempted to pet the fox, but then I heard an unfamiliar mechanical sound in the distance. With a heavy heart, I had to bid farewell to the fox and set off to investigate the source of the noise.

As I strolled through the dense forest, I stumbled upon a clearing, and my attention was immediately drawn to the lively scene before me. Chirping parrots perched on the branches of trees, while a couple of majestic horses and a few playful donkeys roamed about. Amidst this charming scenario, I couldn't help but notice a colossal contraption that stood tall and proud. It emanated a delightful melody that filled the air, and I was mesmerized by its beauty. As I stood there, taking in the view, I heard faint footsteps approaching me from behind. I turned around to see a man of imposing stature. He was dressed in a smart button-up shirt and black jeans, and on his belt, he carried a small pouch containing Redstone. His skin had a tannish hue, and his jet-black hair was neatly combed. His dark brown eyes shone with curiosity and warmth.

"Hey there man, I believe you must be Sunny. Your name has been mentioned quite a few times lately," He said with a gentle smile before continuing, "I'm Jackson, and as you may have already guessed, I'm a Redstonist. Besides that, I'm also an expert in animals."

He approached one of the trees, which had a magnificent red parrot perched on it. Jackson blew a whistle, and the parrot flew down to rest on his shoulder. It was a beautiful sight to behold, the way the bird seemed to trust Jackson implicitly.

"Wow, I'm amazed by the sheer number of animals here! It must be quite a task to manage and take care of them all," I exclaimed with a smile, curious to know more about the effort and care that goes into ensuring the well-being of so many creatures in one place.

           🌸                      ❤️                         🪽

After conversing about various animals for a while, Jackson offered me a book filled with pictures of different creatures to pique my curiosity. As I flipped through the pages, I stumbled upon a stunning image of a fox. I gazed up at Jackson and inquired about what he knew about this captivating animal, eager to learn more. "What can you tell me about foxes?" I asked him with genuine interest.
Jackson spoke with great enthusiasm as he shared his knowledge about taming foxes. According to him, the process of taming a fox involves breeding two other foxes first. Once the baby fox is born, it needs to be separated from its parents and led away, so it doesn't become too attached to them and follow them around. As the sun started to set, we continued our conversation about animals. My new acquaintance seemed to be very passionate about the topic, and I enjoyed listening to him as he shared his knowledge and experiences with different creatures. He told me about his favorite animals, the ones he finds most fascinating and the ones he's had the chance to observe up close.
We exchanged stories about our encounters with wildlife, and it was interesting to see how our perspectives differed. He shared some more fun facts about animal behavior, and I learned a lot about the way different species communicate and interact with each other.
The daylighted, I realized it was time for me to leave. I thanked him for the enjoyable conversation and for sharing his love of animals . He expressed his gratitude for having someone to talk to about his passion, and we parted ways with a smile and a wave.

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