(Part 8) 🍂The After "Party"🍂

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Violet's POV

The air was thick with tension as we sat in silence, waiting for The Elder to make a decision. It had been the night after the "celebration," but now we were all trapped, unable to leave until The Elder gave the word. The market vendors had offered food to those who were hungry, but there was no joy in it. I sat beside Molly, unable to look at her. I couldn't believe that she had been complicit in what had happened. Before I could dwell on it further, she spoke.

"You know how much I loved him, but it was for the greater good," she said, her fingers fidgeting with her hair.

I felt a surge of anger rise up in me at her words. "And who knows, maybe he'll come back so we can watch him get killed?!" I yelled, unable to keep my fury in check.

Molly's eyes widened in shock at my outburst. "No! Just stop talking about that! Please..." she pleaded, her voice shaking.

I fell silent in the middle of my conversation with Molly, eagerly anticipating the moment when The Elder would begin speaking.

            🌸                      ❤️                         🪽

The Elder's words hung in the air, as if the very ground beneath us was holding its breath. We all knew what was at stake, but nobody dared to move or speak. Finally, he cleared his throat and began to address the crowd.

"As you probably already know," he began, his voice deep and measured, "Sunny has escaped." A low murmur of concern rippled through the crowd, and I felt a knot form in my stomach. This was not good news.

"This is a very difficult situation for all of us," he continued, "but please don't worry about it because we are sending our best warriors to find him and bring him back." His words seemed to hang in the air, heavy with promise and uncertainty.

As he spoke, I noticed the tension in the crowd begin to ease. People started to cheer and clap, voicing their happiness and hope. However, I was the opposite. I rushed back to my home, my mind racing with thoughts of what needed to be done. Without pausing to consider my actions, I quickly began packing some of my belongings and food into a sturdy blue backpack. I knew I had to find him and tell him about The Elder's ominous plan. As I was packing, I heard a knock at my door. Sighing, I made my way towards the door and reluctantly opened it.

To my surprise, it was Molly. "Violet, please, can we talk?" she asked earnestly. I didn't want to talk to her. All I wanted was to leave and find him. I couldn't shake the thought that Sunny was out there all alone, despite Sunny being 20 years old.

"Molly, I'm really busy right now and I would--" I stopped mid-sentence as she showed me her backpack.

"I know you're going to find him, and I want to join you," she said, determination evident in her voice as she slung her backpack over her shoulders.

I hesitated for a moment, considering my options. "Sure," I finally said. "But if we leave, we can't come back here."

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