(Part 10) 🍂Mud🪹

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Sunny's POV

As I reflected on the day after the incident of me sleeping all day, I couldn't help but wonder what could have caused me to sleep for such a long period of time. I began to think if there was anything unusual about that day that could have triggered such a reaction from my body, but my mind drew a blank. However, while pondering on the events of that day, my thoughts began to drift towards Xavier, and I felt a sudden heat rise to my cheeks. I quickly averted my attention to something else, trying to shake off the feeling of embarrassment that was creeping up on me.
As I was sitting in the living room, engrossed in a book, I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Before I could turn around to see who it was, Xavier walked into the room with a wide smile on his face, holding two cups of tea in his hands.

"I just wanted to let you know that one of my friends is coming," he said, his voice filled with excitement as he walked over to me and handed me one of the cups.

I couldn't help but notice how the steam from the tea was rising up, creating a pleasant aroma in the air. I slowly brought the cup closer to my nose and inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet aroma. As I took a sip, I realized that I had never seen Xavier drink anything other than tea. I decided to ask him about it later, but for now, I was content to enjoy the warm and comforting drink.

"Thanks, Xavier. This tea is delicious," I said, looking up at him with a smile.
           🌸                      ❤️                         🪽

As I sat in the living room, lost in my thoughts, I was suddenly startled by a loud knock on the door. I got up to answer it, wondering who it could be at this hour. As I opened the door, my eyes widened in surprise at the sight before me. Standing in front of me was a towering woman, with a physique that could put bodybuilders to shame. Her skin was a striking shade of light green, and her hair was a mass of dark brown curls that fell around her shoulders. As I looked into her black, piercing eyes, I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and fear. She was wearing a light yellow dress with a sheath belt with an iron sword in it.

As she introduced herself, I couldn't help but admire her bravery and strength.

"You're about the same height as Xavier, maybe a little shorter," she said, trying to make me feel comfortable. "I'm sorry if I startled you. My name is Maddie, but please call me Mud. As you can probably tell, I'm a warrior, the only one in this area. Usually, I'm wearing armor, but today's my day off." Her words made me feel a sense of compassion for her, and I realized that I hadn't introduced myself yet.

"I'm Sunny! It's so great to meet you. Please come on in, Xavier should be up by now," I said with a warm smile as I opened the door wider for her.

Xavier's POV

As I was finishing up dinner, I heard the sound of the door closing. I quickly washed my hands and made my way towards the living room. As I entered the room, I noticed that Mud and Sunny were already engaged in a conversation.
I greeted Mud with a warm smile and said, "Hey Mud! It's so nice to see you again. How have you been?"

Mud responded with a smile and said, "I've been good, thank you. How about you?"
I replied, "I'm doing well, thanks. But tell me, how's your sister doing these days?"
Mud's face lit up as he replied, "She's doing fine and dandy. She's been working hard on her latest adventure and has been spending most of her time exploring caves and other exciting places. I'm just a little worried that she's not taking enough breaks to rest and recharge her energy."

I nodded in understanding and said, "Well, I hope she takes your advice and takes some time off to relax."

During a lull in the conversation, Sunny turned to Mud and asked him a question.

"If you don't mind me asking Mud, why are you green?" he asked with a worried grin on his face. Mud chuckled and replied,
"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you, did I? Well, it's a long story. You see, a while back, when we first all moved here, I was experimenting with ways to gain more muscle without overworking myself. That's when Willow, who I believe you met a couple of days ago, brought me a potion that she said would do the trick. I drank it, and the funny thing is that it did help me gain muscle, but it also had some side effects that turned me into a goblin!"

Mud laughed as he finished recounting the story. "The poor girl was so sorry; she apologized for weeks. But I didn't mind, because I was happy with the results. I didn't have to lift a big log or anything to gain muscle. It was a win-win situation!"

After Mud finished narrating her story, Sunny couldn't help but express her amazement. He exclaimed, "Wow! That story is really cool!" with a tone of excitement and admiration.

Sunny's compliment made me feel a little envious. I couldn't help but think how I wished I had a story like that to share. However, I didn't have much time to dwell on my jealousy as I noticed a smirk on Mud's face. It was clear that she knew what was going on in my head, and I tried to hide my blushing face.

Then, Mud spoke up, breaking the awkward silence. "Say Xavier, you need to help with the dishes? Of course you do. You are never quite a cleaner, huh? We will be back, Sunny!" With that, she grabbed one of my arms and pulled me towards the kitchen. I glanced back at Sunny, and his cute, confused smile made me blush even more. I couldn't believe I had just called his smile cute. As Mud dragged me away, I couldn't help but wonder what she was planning in the kitchen.

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