(Part 6) 🩷Working🤍

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As soon as I entered Xavier's little shop, he welcomed me with a warm smile and informed me about my responsibilities. My primary job was to clean and wash the dishes, which I gladly accepted. Back in my hometown, I was accustomed to cleaning, so it was not a daunting task. I removed my coat and put on an apron with beautiful flower patterns, ready to begin my work. While washing the dishes, I pondered a question to ask Xavier.

"Excuse me, Xavier, forgive me for bothering you again, but why do you run this shop if not many people visit?" I inquired.

Xavier looked up at me, flashing a grin. "Don't worry, it's no trouble at all," he replied. "The thing is, I'm a farmer. I sell fruits and vegetables to other towns and villages. The reason I run this shop is because of my parents," he explained, walking over to me.

"My parents were never the ones to stay in one place; they were explorers, if you will. One day, they decided to go exploring again, which would have been alright, but they just left the shop. This shop is the only place where you can get food if you're traveling here, so I decided to look after it and keep it running."

Ah, I understand now. Well, I must say, you are doing an excellent job so far!" I said, hoping to alleviate the tension in the air.

As if sensing the heaviness of the moment, Xavier swiftly shifted the conversation to a more lighthearted topic. He looked down at the impeccable floor and exclaimed, "I had no idea someone could make a floor this clean! I only wish we had met sooner. I was never good at cleaning."

As I gazed up at him, a soft chuckle escaped my lips. I couldn't help but wonder what made him so kind and affable towards me. Despite my confusion, his amicability was a welcome change and I couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence.

             🌸                      ❤️                         🪽

Xavier's POV

As we strolled back to my house, Sunny and I chatted about our plans for the next day. His words were like music to my ears, but it was his aura that truly captivated me. There was an undeniable aura of magic emanating from him, which was both intoxicating and comforting.

The night quickly descended upon us and we both agreed to retire for the evening. As I bid him farewell, his smile illuminated the entire room, leaving me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. I couldn't help but notice how comfortable he looked as he lounged on the couch. I shook my head, trying to focus on something else.

As I made my way upstairs, I couldn't resist the urge to share my experience with Willow, the only person I knew who understood the magic. I smiled to myself as I entered my room and started penning a letter to her.

🌸Flowers and Wings🪽Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant