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Happy reading deariees !!



It was a chilly and overcast day. The soft rain droplets were falling on the surface creating a soothing pitter-patter sound

All I wanted to do was , sip my fav masala chai with some fritters while listening to my favorite retro songs.

But all my dreamy desires got ruined when my dearest mother had an urge to interpret it by sending me to buy groceries. Ughh!


I was now standing outside the shop , after buying the mentioned stuffs present in the list which I was provided by my mother , enjoying the chill breeze of wind and this weather which made my heart hover with an unknown happiness. Rain droplets were falling in my face sending me chill in my spines.

Just then,
Just then I saw something which was way too magnificent than this weather,
It was someone's eyes , grey orbs , they were so captivating..ugh wait ,
not only eyes but his face also.

It was so finely shaped as if lord took his precious time in making this beautiful sculpture. Rain droplets seemed like crystals in his face.

His hairs were messy covering his forehead, two buttons of his black shirt was open revealing his fine abs.

I didn't realized I was gawking him until I felt those grey pair of eyes land on me.

His eyes met mine.

All the butterflies in my stomach woke up fluttering as if someone sprinkled some magic spell on them.

He must have seen me checking him out.
Damnnn!!! He must have taken me as some creep.

I quickly diverted eyes from him and started walking towards my home after embarrassing myself infront of this majestic stranger.

Time skips!

After giving mom her needed items I straight got to my bed and laid there recalling the moment I shared with the stranger.

And realized that they were climatic both,

           The Weather & Him!

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That's it,
Have a good day darlings !!

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