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It had been about a week since that episode with Fable. None of us blamed Strider mainly because it wasn't her fault that she'd been born the way she had been. That said though we were right now experiencing one of the worst things in the world...a woman's time of the month, more specifically Strider's.

She was a hormonal bundle of nerves that was basically like a powder keg waiting to go off. The only ones who wisely kept their mouths shut were Time, myself, and Twilight.

It got so bad that I saw Strider slip something into everyone's drink so I avoided drinking it for fear of what it was with how advanced technology was in her era in her realm.

Sure enough not five minutes later everyone,aside from me, had doubled over in pain from cramping."pay back is a bitch assholes! Now you know how I feel right now!" Strider snapped at everyone.

"So what did you give them?" I asked her

"It's something that Shuri made after Umbaku of the White Gorilla tribe made to many snide remarks about women complaining during their time of the month. It stimulates everything a woman goes through during her period," Strider explained in triumph as she nursed a steaming mug of what she called hot chocolate which she ,somehow,  kept in constant supply of.

"This isn't funny," Warriors barely managed to groan out as he clutched his stomach.

Poor Wind was throwing up in the nearby bushes along with Wild and Spirit. "Then next time think before you speak asshole," Strider growled which was kinda true since Warriors had been the one who lead most of teasing on Strider.

We were currently in Spirits Hyrule so it wasn't to bad of an era for it to happen in but still. "Why are we getting punished?" Twilight moaned as Time crumpled to the ground in pain.

"You didn't stop them," Strider snapped which okay was fair.

A day later everyone was back to normal sans Strider since she was still hurting not as bad as yesterday,  but now everyone was watching there tongues.

Not even five minutes after we broke for lunch we got attacked by a horde of Bokos and keese. And shortly after the horde was singlehandly defeated by an extremely pissed off Strider, Strider crumpled to the ground in a heap...unconscious....great.

Wild went to pick her up only before he could Strider punched him in the face sending Wild flying into a tree waking her up.  "She really doesn't like to be touched does she," Twilight whispered to me.

"No she doesn't. But after year of being attacked in bed and while bathing can you blame me?," Strider said as she dusted her uniform off as she stood up,"sorry about that by the way Wild".

Wild gave a thumbs up as he pinched his bloody nose between his fingers. "don't worry I get it I almost did  the same thing once to Flora by accident when I thought that she was Yiga," Wild said with complete understanding.

"We'll that's unsettling," I said as I looked between the Last two known Link's in the chain.

"No not really, " they both shrugged like it was the most natural thing in the world which was extremely worrisome.

"But no injuries?" Time asked

"Nope," Strider responded

I saw Legend, Wind and Wild share a look with one another but brushed it off as we were now leaving the area now that Wild had finished gathering all of the drops he wanted from the bokos.

But something about that look in the back of my head just kept nagging at me.

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