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Of all the things that I expected to see at the market; my brother with three of his incarnations and a foreign human girl certainly wasn't it.

The human paled slightly at the sight of me though I brushed it off for now. My focus was on my brother.

"Where have you been it's been months since I saw you," I told him

"The same as last time. Traveling to other eras in Hyrule. By the way Fable this is the newest member of our group that she named The Chain, Strider. She's the Link after Wild and get this she's not even from Hyrule she's from Midgard," Legend said and my mind screeched to a halt.

A female...a human female... no a Midgardian human female Link. Seeing her felt like a punch to the gut.

"It's okay let it out, " Strider said sounding resigned

I screamed out every profanity in the book and them some. Why just why after all this time? Why?

By the time I finished catching my breath from my long winded rant the world around the heroes distorted before the heroes  of courage vanished into the ether....so much for a family dinner/interrogation session I was going to try to convince Link of later. A well save it for the next time they're in this era.

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