"Wow, my little girl is all grown up" He says sadly.

I smile at him softly.

"You look beautiful as always pumpkin" My dad says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you" I chuckle.

I look at the time on my phone. Oh my god.

"I really have to go, see you at dinner?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course," He says with a nod and a smile.

I walk away from my father and start to run down our long marble staircase. I text Grace a quick 5 letting her know I'll be there in five minutes. I then, look up to see Mitchum at the bottom of the staircase. He always did this. As soon as I reach the bottom Mitchum passes me my jean jacket and I take it from him graciously.

"Thank you ,Mitchum," I say politely.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Audrey" He says in a modest tone.

"Mitchum" I warn.

"Oh- right Audrey" He says correcting himself, a tad embarrassed.

I smile at him and shake my head in a teasing manner. I then walk over to the front door and happily grab the keys to my father's silver Jeep off the key holder. His other keys were there too; he had about gazillion cars in the garage. All in which were either BMWs or Range Rovers since, he had a slight obsession with those brand cars. But, as for the Jeep it was just a regular car to him. It didn't mean much.

I twirl the keys around my finger and whistle, walking towards the garage. I press in the code and the garage door opens revealing my father's cars. All the cars of course were expensive and not particularly my taste. So, I make my way to our white Jeep.  This was my favorite car that my dad owned. I know he just bought it because I begged him to, but I still felt like he did because he knew I wanted it for my sixteenth birthday.

But that wasn't the case.

My parents don't know me at all. Instead he got me a mini van saying, 'I could drive my friends anywhere'. I wanted to yell and cry, but instead I just thanked him for the wonderful gift.

I enter the car and start to drive away from my home, I dreaded. The gates to my home open for me as I exit the place. I exit and soon start driving down the road towards the place where I'm suppose to meet Grace. I just hoped she wasn't too intoxicated by the time I got there.

      *  *   *

As I notice the bright red sign of Joe's hanging from the familiar tall brick place, I turn into the parking lot of it. The place to be on a Saturday night was Joe's. Everyone in our town went here, but mostly people from my high school did. Some parents did also, not people from the country club though. Which is why my parents never came here. If my parents ever knew I went here they would kill me. Or even worse, cut me off.

I park my car, and turn off the ignition. I sigh, trying to control my emotions from coming out. It's almost been two years already from the incident yet, I couldn't help but let the memories come flooding in from that night. I stay frozen, sitting in the driver's seat, just remembering the horrific events of that night.

"Audrey!" Someone yells knocking on my window.

I jump and stop staring at the green bush that was in front of my car. I roll down my window and smile at Grace.

"Are you just going to sit there all night?" She questions.

"No" I say bluntly.

I get out of my car and make sure to lock it. I could hear the pounding of music blasting through the place. I hated when I got like this. When I started to remember.

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