3: Dolly

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Harriets point of view:

     I shuffled down the dinner line, beans and other food I couldnt recognize got served onto my tray.  I scrunched my eyebrows in disgust, how was supposed to eat THAT? I kept walking towards the tables, trying to decide where I was going to sit. Until ZigZag called for me. "Hey, Harriett, over here," Zigzag waved me over, "here girl, you can sit right here next to me," he patted the seat to his left. I sat down, the table was silent while everyone looked at me.

"So, Harriett, what you in here for?" X-ray asked me, "Nothing I did," I said, the table laughed. "oh really," Squid laughed, "what was it anyways? stealing a new purse?" The boys started laughing and pushing each other, I rolled my eyes, "Drug trafficking," That shut them up.

"you didnt move no drugs, a girl like you," X-ray said in a matter of fact tone. "What do you mean 'a girl like me?" I scrunched my eyebrows, confused. What was so different about me?

"Your hair is in pigtails," Squid pointed out, "So...?" I asked. "Girl, you have a butterfly necklace on," Armpit laughed at me. I crossed my arms over my chest, "What are you saying right now?"

"All they're saying is that a girl like you isnt really who we would expect to be at this camp, thats all," Zigzag explained, shoving a piece of bread in his mouth. The audacity of them. "Well, you don't know me. I could be so much different than what you think," I defended myself, "Sure thing, Dolly," Armpit laughed, making everyone else laugh with him. I cannot believe im gunna be spending months with these people.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, "And dont call me, Dolly."

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