"Thank you, sweetheart."

He disconnect the call and I put the phone on the table. I walk towards the fiction shelves and took out one of the novel I haven't finished read last week. I bring it to the long couch and rest myself there

My mind focus on these words gather beautifully into a sentence that lead into the wrong way. I was just realized what I read is actually steamy part of the novel, I checked the main title once again it says honeymoon.

I face palmed my self and laugh dryly.

I tell you what, pregnant woman have a mixed hormone that will make them feel certain things. The engorging libido, they try to hold back because they don't want to hurt the baby for too much sex, yet they want pretty much it but they have to hold it. Even though sex were highly recommended for the normal birth.

I close the book without considering how entertaining the story will be. I do not want to suffer the need I can't deliver. I look out the window as the dark surrounding. The yard lamp still on, until I saw a silhouette walking pass the yard. My heart skip a beat and I freeze on the spot. The silhouette walking closer towards the window where I was inside the library. I gripped on my phone and pressing number 1. I call for help for someone standing by the window scaring me.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

The lady operator speaks through the line but I still froze thinking what I saw is a ghost. The tall figure approach, showing his face finally bring ease on my tensed body. I melted with relief.

"I'm sorry, I think I call the wrong number." I shuttered, seeing Jungkook smiling at me, he put the cigarette on his lipa and blew out the smoke, smirking sexily.

"You okay, ma'am?"

"Yes, I'm okay,"

"Alright, have a good night."

I throw the phone on the couch angrily and ties up my robe, walking outside in fast pace to reach him. This guy don't know what he think he is, scaring me and act like a ghost standing by the window with that attitude. I need to smack his head so he wouldn't do such a thing in the future.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I let out the anger and he puff the smoke away to the air and put the rest of his cigarette at the ashtray. I still can smell the cigarette around, slowing my pace to let the breeze blew away the intoxicating smells that could harm my baby.

"I'm smoking."

"Cut the crap Jungkook, you standing by the window scaring me, I thought you were a thief."

Realized I wasn't kidding, his face became serious. He came closer when I was trying hard to calm my beating heart.

"I'm sorry, I was out to smoke, I didn't see you in the library." He looked so regret. I look down and walking back inside. Which of course, he chases me.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." He said calmly. Holding my wrist.

"It's okay, I'm sorry that I over react."

"No, I wasn't mean to scare you. What are you doing in the library in this hour?" He let my wrist go, respecting the distance between us.

"I couldn't sleep. I wanted to sleep with Taena but I couldn't wake her, she's too peaceful."

"Wanna drink milk and honey? It helps you feel better."

I wasn't at my worst state despite missing my husband. I asked him to stay because I don't wanna be alone even though Woojin and Lucas stay guarded, he is right, that wasn't enough.

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