Chapter 30: In The Hospital

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Trigger warning: Eating disorder talk

The next day brought a change in the atmosphere of Madison's hospital room with the arrival of her girlfriend, Sarah, and Sabrina. Sarah walked in first, her expression clouded with worry, a bouquet of Madison's favorite flowers in hand. Sabrina followed, her bright smile and a bag full of Madison's favorite snacks attempting to cut through the heaviness that had settled in the room.

"Hey, love," Sarah said softly, setting the flowers down and taking Madison's hand in hers. "How are you feeling today?"

Madison managed a small smile, squeezing Sarah's hand back. "Better now that you're here," she replied, her voice still weak but filled with genuine affection.

Sabrina, ever the beacon of light, chimed i.. "And I've brought reinforcements! Your favorite, illegally smuggled into the hospital," she joked, waving the bag of snacks in the air. Sabrina hoped this would give Madison the courage to eat.

Madison couldn't help but laugh, a sound that felt like a small victory to everyone in the room. "I think smuggling things into a hospital is a new low for you, Sab," she said, her spirits visibly lifted.

Sarah, though smiling at the exchange, couldn't hide the concern in her eyes. "Mads, I've been so worried about you. Why didn't you tell me things were getting this bad?" Her voice trembled slightly, revealing the depth of her feelings.

Madison's smile faded, replaced by a look of regret. "I didn't want to worry you. I thought I could handle it on my own. I was wrong," she admitted, her gaze dropping.

Sabrina, sensing the shift in mood, quickly stepped in. "Well, it's a good thing you've got us, isn't it? Between Sarah's love and my questionable influence, we'll have you out of here in no time. And then, we can plan our grand escape to a tropical island, cause girl, you're so pale you need a tan." Madison giggled and rolled her eyes at the same time.

Sarah chuckled, but her eyes remained fixed on Madison. "We're here for you, you know that, right?"

Madison nodded, her eyes glistening with tears. "I know. I'm just scared," she confessed, allowing her vulnerability to show.

Sabrina walked over and hugged her gently. "Scared is okay. It means you're facing this head-on. And with us by your side, you're basically a superhero. Plus, I've already started designing our superhero costumes, so no backing out now."

The room filled with soft laughter, the kind that heals and brings people closer. Madison looked between Sarah and Sabrina, feeling a surge of gratitude for their presence.

"Thank you," Madison said, her voice steady for the first time in days. "For being here, for making me laugh, and for just... caring so much."

As the laughter died down and a moment of calm settled over the room, Madison found herself glancing towards the door, her thoughts drifting back the previous day's emotions she felt when Taylor dropped the news that she'll be staying here.

"You okay?" Sabrina asked, her tone gentle.

Madison hesitated, then let out a sigh. "I'm just... I'm angry at mom. She promised me I wouldn't have to stay in the hospital if I agreed to eat. But I'm still here," she confessed, the frustration evident in her voice.

Sabrina nodded, closing her eyes and knowing she'll have to play devil's advocate this time. "I get why you're upset, but you have to see it from your mom's point of view. You've made promises like that before, right? And sometimes, despite your best intentions, it's been hard to keep them."

Madison looked away, knowing Sabrina was right but reluctant to admit it. "Yeah, but it feels different this time. I really meant it."

Sabrina reached out, placing a hand on Madison's. "I believe you did. But this isn't just about promises, Maddie. It's about your health, your life. Your mom had to make a tough call, not because she wanted to go back on her word, but because she loves you. She's scared, and she wants to do whatever it takes to make sure you're safe."

The room was quiet for a moment as Madison absorbed Sabrina's words, the weight of the situation settling on her shoulders. "I just hate feeling trapped, like I don't have a say in my own life," Madison finally said, her voice soft but carrying a hint of resolve.

Sabrina squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You're not trapped, babe. Think of this as a pause, not a prison. It's a chance to reset, to get stronger. And you do have a say—every step you take towards recovery is your decision. Your mom, your dad, Sarah, me—we're all here to support you, but this journey? It's yours. And I know you're strong enough to make it through."

Madison met Sabrina's gaze, finding comfort in her words. It was a hard pill to swallow, accepting that her mom's decision was made out of love and fear, not a desire to control or punish. "Thanks, Sabrina. I guess... I guess I needed to hear that."

Sabrina smiled, her warmth enveloping Madison like a hug. "Anytime, kiddo. And remember, it's okay to be angry, to be scared. Just don't let those feelings stop you from seeing the love and support all around you. You're not in this alone."

Madison nodded, a sense of clarity cutting through the fog of her emotions. She knew Sabrina was right, and as she watched the two of them leave, she knew she had to make things right with her mom.

Later that day, Taylor came to see Madison alone, her heart heavy with the knowledge of their impending conversation. She found her sitting up in bed, a look of apprehension crossing her face as Taylor entered the room.

"Hey, sweetheart," Taylor began, her voice soft, taking a seat beside Madison's bed. Sabrina filled her in on what Madison had told her. "I wanted to talk to you... about everything that's happened."

Madison met her mother's gaze, the hurt still lingering in her eyes. "Mom, I... I felt betrayed when you decided to keep me here, even after I promised I'd eat. I thought you believed me."

Taylor took a deep breath, her own eyes brimming with tears. "Maddie, believing you isn't the issue. I do believe you want to get better. But this... this is bigger than promises. It's about your health, your life. I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to you because we didn't take this seriously enough."

Madison looked down, fidgeting with the hem of her blanket. "But it felt like you didn't trust me, like my word meant nothing."

Reaching out, Taylor gently lifted Madison's chin, encouraging her to meet her eyes. "It's not that I don't trust you. It's that I know how strong the pull of an eating disorder can be. It's not about willpower or wanting to get better. It's a serious illness that requires professional help. And I... I was scared. I am scared. I love you so much, and the thought of losing you to this... I had to do what I thought was best, even if it hurt."

Madison's eyes filled with tears as she listened to her mother's heartfelt words. "I'm scared too, mom. I hate that you had to make that choice because of me."

Taylor wrapped an arm around Madison, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "You never have to go through this alone, baby. We're in this together, every step of the way. And I'm sorry if my actions made you feel betrayed. That was never my intention. My only goal is to see you healthy and happy."

Madison leaned into her mother's hug, allowing herself to feel the full extent of Taylor's love and concern. "I know. And... I'm sorry for making you worry so much. I want to get better, I really do."

Taylor kissed the top of Madison's head, a silent promise of endless support. "I know you do, sweetheart. And I believe in you. This journey might be long and challenging, but you're not walking it alone. We'll face every step, every setback, and every victory together."

As they sat in silence, the bond between mother and daughter felt stronger than ever. The difficult conversation had opened a door to deeper understanding and compassion, bridging the gap that fear and hurt had created.

"I love you, mom," Madison whispered, her voice steady despite the tears that streamed down her face.

"I love you more, baby," Taylor replied, her own tears a testament to the depth of her love. "Together, we'll get through this. You're my brave, beautiful girl, and there's nothing we can't face together."

In that hospital room, amidst the heartache and fear, Taylor and Madison found a moment of profound connection, a reminder that love, above all else, was their greatest strength.

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