Chapter 1: School Rebellion

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Author's note: 

TRIGGER WARNING: This story will discuss mental health including self-harm and eating disorders in a discreet and caring way, but there will be mentions of it. I've marked it as mature - please if you get triggered, make sure you take care of yourself. 

Disclaimer: I'm writing this one with the help of AI cause I have ideas but am in a writing slump, so I'm heavily editing the AI text - ignore any inconsistencies and repetitions, I shall properly edit later :) 

Enjoy the story and send over your suggestions <3 


Madison slouched in her chair at the back of the classroom, her gaze drifting lazily out the window. The sun was shining, casting a golden glow across the private school's immaculate exterior.

At sixteen, Madison had already mastered the art of being effortlessly cool, her popularity undisputed among her peers. Her friends clustered around her like satellites, drawn in by her charisma and the allure of her connection to one of the world's biggest celebrities—her adoptive mom, Taylor Swift.

Despite being in a prestigious private school, Madison didn't care much for academics. To her, school was just a stage, and she played the role of the aloof, untouchable queen bee to perfection. Her focus was on the social game, the intricate dance of teenage popularity, which she navigated with ease. It was the first time in her life all the attention was on her and she was enjoying every moment of it.

As Mrs. Hensley droned on about the importance of the upcoming history project, Madison was interrupted by a tap on her shoulder from her best friend Chloe.

"Mads," Chloe hissed, leaning in close. "Wanna come over tonight? We can binge watch the new Stranger Things season."

Madison smirked, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "Can't," she drawled, her tone bored but tinged with a hint of regret. "Mom wants me to spend some 'quality time' with Olivia. You know, bonding with the little sis and all that jazz."

Chloe rolled her eyes in sympathy. "That sucks. But hey, maybe we can hang out this weekend?"

Before Madison could respond, Mrs. Hensley's sharp voice cut through their conversation. "Madison, perhaps you'd like to share what's so important that it can't wait until after class?"

The entire class turned to look at them, a mix of amusement and anticipation in their eyes. Madison met the teacher's gaze with a defiant lift of her chin, her expression unapologetic. This wasn't the first time she's been called out like this - in fact, it happened more often than it didn't.

"Actually, Mrs. Hensley, it's about my history project. I was just telling Chloe how excited I am to get started," Madison lied smoothly, her voice dripping with insincerity.

Mrs. Hensley raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Well, Madison, since you're so enthusiastic, I'm sure you won't mind if I have a word with your mother about your recent grades. I'll need her signature on this report."

Madison's heart skipped a beat, but she masked her panic with a bored eye roll. "Sure, Mrs. Hensley. If you wanted Taylor Swift's autograph, you should've just asked."

A few snickers erupted around the classroom, but Mrs. Hensley's expression remained unamused. "This is no laughing matter, Madison. I expect that report signed by tomorrow."

As the teacher turned away, Madison slumped back in her chair, her mind racing. The last thing she wanted was for her mom to find out about her slipping grades. She'd have to figure out a way to handle this without causing a scene. After all, Madison was the queen of handling things her way, consequences be damned.

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