Chapter 4: Dad & Daughter Time

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Author's note: I have about 10 chapters already written, so I'll just dump them here as I polish them. 

In the early morning light, Travis' car pulled smoothly out of the driveway, heading towards Madison's school. The atmosphere inside the car was comfortable, yet there was an undercurrent of something unsaid, a distance that had grown over time. Travis glanced at Madison, who was staring out the window, lost in her thoughts.

"You know, it's been a while since we had some quality time together," Travis said, trying to bridge the gap. "Just you and me."

Madison turned to look at him, her expression unreadable. "I guess," she replied dismissively. "But I know you're busy with coaching your team, dad. And Olivia.."

Travis let out a small sigh, his concern for Madison evident in his voice. "Girlie, that may be true, but you'll always come first to me. You know that, right?"

Madison looked at him, a flicker of something soft in her eyes. But as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, replaced by her usual guarded expression. Under her breath, so quietly that Travis couldn't hear, she murmured, "I wish mom felt the same."

Wanting to lighten the mood, Travis offered a suggestion. "How about you come to practice with me this evening? Could be fun, you cheering on the team."

Madison's face brightened slightly, a genuine smile crossing her lips. "I'd love that," she said, the idea clearly appealing to her.

Travis smiled, pleased to have found common ground. As they arrived at the school, he pulled up to the curb. He watched as Madison stepped out of the car, immediately transforming into the confident, popular girl everyone knew her as. She was greeted by a group of friends, her queen B status evident in the way they clustered around her. He clutched his wheel tightly as he watched her boyfriend Jake kiss her. He had met Jake several times before and didn't like the guy in the slightest. But he knew he made his daughter happy, so he put up with what he considered a classic 'fuckboy' behavior.

Travis watched her for a moment, a sense of pride mixed with a tinge of worry. Madison's popularity was undeniable, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something had shifted in her. Since becoming a teenager, her energy had changed; there was a mysteriousness about her now, a complexity that went beyond the usual teenage angst.

As he drove away, Travis reflected on the conversation. He was determined to find a way to reconnect with Madison, to understand the layers of her that had emerged with adolescence. There was a depth to her that he admired, but it also made him realize how much he needed to be there for her, not just as a father figure, but as someone who genuinely cared about the young woman she was becoming.

As Travis walked through the door that evening, he found Taylor waiting for him in the living room, an expression of concern etched on her face.

"Trav, we need to talk," Taylor began, her voice laced with worry. She handed him a letter from Madison's school.

Travis took the letter, quickly scanning its contents. His brow furrowed as he read about a scheduled meeting to discuss Madison's attitude and failing grades. Looking up from the letter, he met Taylor's anxious gaze.

Taylor nodded, her distress evident. "I just found it in the mail. I had no idea things were this bad. She's always been so independent with her schoolwork."

Travis let out a sigh, his mind racing. "This is the first I'm hearing about any of this. She's always seemed so in control, especially with her cheerleading."

Taylor paced the room, her hands wringing together. "I knew she was struggling a bit, but I thought it was just the usual teenage phase. I didn't realize her grades were suffering this much."

Travis folded the letter, a look of determination settling over his features. "We need to handle this carefully. Mads is clearly going through something, and we have to be there for her, find out what's really going on."

Taylor nodded in agreement, her maternal instincts kicking in. "Absolutely. We need to talk to her, find out why she's been hiding this from us. But we have to be supportive, not accusatory. She's probably already feeling overwhelmed."

Travis placed a comforting hand on Taylor's shoulder. "Let's talk to her this weekend. We need to show her that we're a team, that she's not alone in this."

Taylor leaned into his touch, grateful for his support. "You're right. She needs to know we're here for her, no matter what."

At the bustling Chiefs practice, the atmosphere was electric with the energy of players running drills and coordinating plays. Travis, as the head coach, stood commanding and focused, his voice clear and motivational as he directed the team. Madison, at his side, observed the scene with an air of fascination, her gaze never leaving the players.

"See, babe, football's not just about running around aimlessly. It's strategic, almost like a game of chess," Travis said, his voice tinged with passion for the game.

Madison looked at him, chuckling. "So, it's not all about who's the fastest or the strongest?"

"Well, that too, but there's more to it," Travis replied with a knowing smile. "It's about outsmarting the other team, anticipating their moves. Kind of like in cheerleading, right? It's more than just the moves."

Madison's eyes lit up with understanding. "Totally. It's about precision, working together, and yeah, tons of practice." She appreciated the comparison, seeing her own dedication to cheerleading mirrored in the football practice unfolding before her.

As they continued to talk, Travis couldn't help but notice Madison becoming more animated, her usual guarded demeanor slipping away. It was moments like these, he realized, that they had become rare lately.

Then, as Madison gestured with her hands, explaining a cheerleading stunt, Travis's eyes caught sight of something that made his heart sink – scars on her wrist, some of the wounds being fresh, partially hidden by her sleeve. His mind raced with concern, a thousand questions forming, but he hesitated, unsure how to broach such a sensitive topic. He tried to calm down his panic - perhaps she just injured herself somewhere during the practice.

Instead, he focused on maintaining the bond they were rebuilding, not wanting to spook her into retreating again. "You know, maybe you could teach me one of your cheer routines sometime. I bet I'd be pretty good at it," he said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood.

Madison giggled trying to imagine Travis at the top of the pyramid. "I'd like to see you try, dad."

The rest of the practice passed with more casual banter and shared observations. Travis was deeply troubled by the discovery of Madison's scars, but he knew that confronting her directly in that moment wasn't the right approach. He needed to find a way to let her know he was there for her, ready to listen and support, without pushing her away.

As they left the practice field, Travis watched Madison with pride and worry. She was opening up, and reconnecting, but there were clearly deeper issues at play. Issues that he wasn't sure him and Taylor would be able to solve. 

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