Chapter 8: Caught

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TRIGGER WARNING: caught in the act of self harm. 

Author's note: I've pre-written this chapter and then the next one, so feel free to leave some suggestions on what you want to happen next in the comments cause I don't know where the story will go after this. I haven't decided yet how to make the sisters get along . Also tf does this fic have 2k views within a day of being published lol are yall ok!? :D 

Back home, Madison sat on her bed, the razor clutched tightly in her hand, a physical manifestation of the pain and turmoil swirling inside her. Tears streamed down her face as she grappled with her emotions, feeling cornered and exposed now that Taylor and Travis knew her secret. The realization that she was bed-bound, unable to participate in cheerleading, even if just for a few weeks, – the one thing that gave her a sense of identity and control – was overwhelming.

She felt lost, stripped of the persona she had carefully crafted at school. The thought of her teammates moving on without her, practicing and performing, made her heart ache. Cheerleading wasn't just an activity for Madison; it was a lifeline, a way to channel her energy and emotions. Now, as she was confined to her room, her lifeline was slipping away. Her sobs grew louder.

So lost in her own world of despair, she didn't hear the door open or realize that Taylor had walked into the room, carrying a dinner tray. Taylor's shocked voice broke through the haze of Madison's anguish. "Maddie!! Put that down!" she exclaimed, panic evident in her voice.

Startled, Madison looked up, her eyes filled with tears. The sight of her mother, her face etched with shock and concern, only heightened Madison's sense of panic. She felt trapped, caught in the act of her most private and painful coping mechanism.

"I... I can't..." Madison stammered, her voice breaking as sobs wracked her body. She was overwhelmed, the weight of her mother's gaze and the reality of her situation crashing down on her. All of her secrets were now out in the open. She was caught in the act and she could no longer deny it.

Taylor quickly moved towards her, her own heart racing with fear. "Baby, please, give that to me. Please," she pleaded, her words gentle but urgent.

Madison's hand trembled, the razor still in her grasp, a symbol of her inner torment. Her hysteric cries filled the room, a raw and heart-wrenching sound that spoke of her deep-seated pain and confusion.

Taylor reached out, her eyes never leaving Madison's face, full of love and worry. She carefully took the razor from Madison's hand, ensuring her daughter was safe from immediate harm. She enveloped Madison in a tight embrace, trying to offer whatever comfort she could in that moment of raw vulnerability.

"It's okay, sweetheart. You'll be okay, I promise," Taylor whispered, her own voice on the verge of breaking.

In her mother's arms, Madison continued to cry, the floodgates of her emotions wide open. It was a moment of reckoning, a painful yet necessary step towards healing and understanding. For Taylor, it was a stark realization of the depth of Madison's struggles and a renewed commitment to help her daughter find her way back to a place of hope and stability.

As they sat together, Taylor gently cupped Madison's face, turning her tear-streaked face towards her. "Honey, do you understand how much it would hurt me, hurt us, if anything ever happened to you?" Taylor's voice was thick with emotion, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and love.

Madison's tears didn't stop; instead, they flowed more freely. "You'd still care more about Olivia than me," she said between sobs, her words laced with the hurt of feeling second-best. "If I died you'd get over it in a day."

Taylor's heart broke at the accusation, the idea that Madison could feel so overlooked and unloved. "That's not true," she said earnestly, her own tears mirroring her daughter's. "You and Olivia, you both mean the world to me. I love you both so much, more than I can ever express. If you died, it'd break everything inside me. I'd never recover."

"But it always feels like she's your priority, not me," Madison choked out, her voice a raw expression of the insecurities and fears she had been harboring.

Taylor pulled Madison closer, holding her tightly and rocking her back and forth. "I'm so sorry you've felt that way. It was never my intention. You are so important to me, Madison. You always have been. I know I've made mistakes, and I'm sorry for the times I've made you feel like you're less important. But I promise you, you are not an afterthought. You are a vital part of this family, and I love you with all my heart."

They sat there for a long time, holding each other, sharing their pain and beginning the long process of healing. For Taylor, it was a wake-up call to the needs of her eldest daughter, a vow to be more present and attentive. For Madison, it was a release of pent-up emotions, a step towards believing that she was indeed loved and valued. This conversation was just the beginning, but it was a crucial step towards rebuilding their relationship and Madison's path to recovery.

In a moment of raw vulnerability, Madison extended her arms towards Taylor, revealing her wrists. Taylor silently gasped - she had seen them in the hospital, but Madison showing them herself meant she was reaching out for help. The sight of the fresh wounds, each a silent testament to her daughter's pain, hit Taylor like a physical blow. Tears welled up in her eyes as she carefully traced each mark with a trembling finger, her touch gentle yet filled with a profound sense of heartache.

With every gentle touch from her mother, Madison's emotions surged stronger, her cries growing louder and more pained. She felt exposed and fragile, yet there was a cathartic release in not having to hide her scars any longer.

Taylor, overwhelmed by the sight of her daughter's suffering, felt a deep ache in her heart. She pulled Madison into a tight embrace, trying to offer comfort through her own tears. Words failed her; what could she possibly say in the face of such raw, palpable pain?

Madison clung to her mother, her body shaking with sobs. She was crumbling, yet in her mother's arms, she found a haven, a place where she could be vulnerable and open about her struggles.

As they held each other, Taylor felt a fierce protectiveness and love for her daughter. She was at a loss for words, the gravity of the situation rendering her speechless. But in that embrace, she silently vowed to do whatever it took to help Madison heal, to be there for her through the journey of recovery.

This moment marked a turning point for both of them—a painful yet necessary confrontation of the reality they faced. It was a beginning of a new chapter, one filled with challenges, but also hope for healing and a deeper understanding.

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