Chapter 20

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Warriors of Two Worlds


Confusion clouded my mind as the monstrous form of Elias dissolved into a swirling vortex of shadow, leaving behind an unsettling silence. The air, thick with the residue of dark energy, cleared slowly, revealing a sight that sent shivers down my spine. Two Moms. They stood there, identical in every way, their faces etched with concern and a hint of... power?

One stepped forward, her gaze locking onto mine. "Sam," she said, her voice soft yet imbued with an authority that resonated deep within me. "You're safe now."

But which one? My mind reeled, searching for answers. One Mom, the one I knew, aged and frail, sat frozen on the sofa, her eyes wide with disbelief. The other, her features mirroring my Mom's youth, radiated an aura of strength and familiarity I couldn't place.

Before I could voice my questions, the Mom standing closer extended a hand, her touch surprisingly warm and reassuring. As our fingers brushed, a wave of memories flooded my mind, not mine, but hers. Images of a valiant warrior battling alongside a hooded figure, fending off an unseen darkness. Their bond, unbreakable, fueled by a love that transcended dimensions.

The image flickered and faded, replaced by another - a woman, pregnant, cradling a small, glowing orb. Tears streamed down her face, a mixture of joy and sorrow etched on her features. Then, darkness.

My head throbbed, the influx of information overwhelming. This Mom, this stranger who held a piece of my own mother within her, was more than just a doppelganger. But who was she? And what did her presence mean for the future?

Sensing my distress, the Mom with the familiar face reached out, her voice trembling slightly. "Sam, it's me. Don't you recognize me?"

My heart ached to believe her, to embrace the comfort of a mother I thought lost. But the image of the other Mom, the warrior queen, lingered in my mind, casting a shadow of doubt.

"Who are you?" I whispered, my voice barely above a choked sob.

A flicker of sadness crossed her features before she offered a shaky smile. "I am you, Sam. Or rather, a part of you. A part that chose to stay behind, to fight the darkness within this dimension for as long as it took for you to return."

My breath hitched. This was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. A mother sacrificing herself, splitting her essence to protect me, to protect this world.

As I grappled with the revelation, a deep, guttural growl resonated from the now unboarded windows. The Nyxenora. It was still out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for its next opportunity.

Leo and Zoey, their faces pale with shock, stood beside me, their gazes darting between the two Moms. The weight of the situation, the burden of choice, pressed down on me with all its might.

"We need a plan," I declared, my voice firming despite the tremor within. "We need to understand what's happening, how to fight this creature, and how to bring the other Mom... the other me, back."

The younger Mom, her eyes filled with an unwavering resolve, stepped forward. "Then let's begin," she said, her voice echoing with the combined strength of a mother and a warrior. "We fight not just for ourselves, but for every soul touched by this darkness."

As we huddled together, the weight of the world on our shoulders, a single question burned brightly in my mind: Could we, a fractured family facing an ancient evil, truly become the guardians this world needed? Only time, and the choices we made, would tell.

Days blurred into weeks as we trained under the guidance of the two Moms. The younger version, whom we affectionately called "Mom A," revealed a hidden training room within the house, filled with weapons and artifacts that hummed with an unknown energy. Mom A, despite her youthful appearance, moved with the grace and ferocity of a seasoned warrior, effortlessly wielding blades forged in forgotten fires. As she trained me, the memories she shared - memories of a bitter battle against the Nyxenora's first incursion, a battle that tore her from her true self - filled me with a sense of responsibility and a burning desire to reverse the sacrifice she made.

Meanwhile, the older Mom, "Mom B," her frail exterior belying a hidden strength, delved into ancient texts, her brow furrowed in concentration. She spoke of a hidden realm, a mirror dimension where the Nyxenora originated, and hinted at a potential way to repair the fractured essence of her younger self. However, the journey to this realm, she warned, was fraught with dangers, requiring not just physical prowess but an unwavering connection to the source of our power - the very bond that connected me to both Moms.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training room, Mom B placed a hand on my shoulder, her voice raspy with exhaustion. "Sam," she said, her eyes filled with an unspoken plea, "the Nyxenora grows stronger with each passing day. We need to act soon."

A knot of apprehension tightened in my stomach. The thought of venturing into the unknown, a dimension filled with the Nyxenora's essence, sent shivers down my spine. Yet, looking at Mom A, the warrior spirit burning brightly within her, and Mom B, her eyes reflecting a lifetime of unwavering love, I knew I couldn't hesitate.

"We're ready," I declared, my voice carrying the weight of my determination. "We have to try."

A flicker of relief crossed Mom B's face. "Then tomorrow," she said, her voice gaining strength, "we begin the ritual."

The next day, the air crackled with a nervous energy as we gathered in the center of the training room. Mom B, adorned in intricate symbols drawn with an unknown substance, chanted in a language that resonated deep within my soul. As she chanted, the room pulsed with a blinding light, and a swirling vortex, similar to the one that had engulfed Elias, materialized before us.

Mom A stepped forward, her hand outstretched towards me. "Remember, Sam," she said, her gaze locking onto mine, "the key is your connection to us, your unwavering love for your family. It is your strength, your anchor in this chaotic dimension."

Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand in hers, the warmth of her touch grounding me. Together, we stepped into the swirling vortex, disappearing into the unknown realm, leaving Mom B behind, her voice echoing in the silence, "May the Guardians prevail."

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