Chapter 11: Rivals

Start from the beginning

"Cynthia." Rowan said, turning towards the blonde. "Y-Yes, Professor Rowan?" She answered, slightly nervous. He hardened his stare. "We've known each other for a few years now, haven't we? When I met your Grandmother in Celestic Town, digging through that ancient site, I had hoped for fossils, and murals, perhaps even a skeleton if I was lucky. Yet, it was for naught. And, I was disappointed with our lack of results."

"Little did I know that in that very same place I would find my most treasured accomplishment..."

"You, my dear. And I couldn't be more proud of the sheer determination you have shown for me over all this time." Rowan said, smiling at the slightly embarrassed teen. Cynthia's face grew a shade of red, not entirely sure how to handle such great amounts of praise, without having even set out yet. "It hasn't been easy, but you've developed into a strong, intelligent young woman on your own. You still have far to go and much to prove, not only to us, but to yourself..."

"Never forget that your greatest ally is not only yourself, but your Pokémon. Trust your own mind, and instinct, and you will never lose. Depend and rely upon your team, and you'll never be led astray. Explore far and wide, and prove to yourself that all the work you've put in was worth it. And, most importantly of all, show the world the true strength that I know you hold within. Is that understood?" Rowan finished his speech with a convinced nod. Cynthia found it hard to hold his stare, but this time she was resolute and she nodded back in response. "I won't let you down, Rowan!" Gible threw its tiny arms up in celebration, chanting its name.

"Good, good! That's what I like to hear!" Rowan said, chuckling. "Bib." Bibarel added, blank faced. Then he turned towards the other fledgling trainer, returning to his usual serious expression. There was a mental conversation going on between the two by simple eye contact and knowing looks. "[Y/N], my boy..."

"You may have found yourself within a tough position. Left with nothing but the clothes upon your back, and your first name, not many could handle it as well as you have. You have been left with no surname, no home to call to, no family to depend on, nothing. And yet, you have persevered with an admirable courage and resilience."

"A vagabond is what you are, and a vagabond is what you must be, constantly on the move, travelling from new city to new city, battling ever increasingly difficult foes on your path towards strength. A vagabond does not know a home, nor a family, but that is not a weakness, you see..."

"You have nothing to hold you back now, nothing to stop you from reaching ever greater heights. Exploit that, my boy, as much as you can. In this world, strength is the only thing that allows our region to survive at all. Without it we would have been destroyed years ago..."

"There is a strength inside you, [Y/N]. I can see it, just as I am sure you will see too in time."

"However, never forget that strength does not simply come from within, but from the allies you make along the way. We are only as strong as our weakest part, they say. You have no family, but you have us, and that should make up at least in part. Grow your team and assemble a force to be reckoned with..." Rowan spoke with a commanding presence, forcing [Y/N]'s attention with every word. It was no surprise this man was the Champion of the Sinnoh region. He was a leader, alright. He could just tell...

"And one last thing." Rowan stared at him hard. "Don't forget the promise you made. It is your vow, and you must carry it with you now until that goal has been reached." [Y/N] stared back, committed. "I can't break a promise, Rowan. I'll be the strongest, just you wait!" Cynthia interrupted. "Not if I have anything to say about it! I'm going to be the strongest!" The two looked at one another, both determined to be the best there ever was.

Just as rivals should be.

"Ah, before it slips my mind..." Rowan remarked, gesturing for Berlitz and Yuzo. The two researchers moved forward, each holding a small black and red folded device. Cynthia and [Y/N] both anxiously took one for themselves, unsure as to what it was even supposed to be. Maybe it was one of those new fangled Pokégears from Johto that were slowly being developed, she thought to herself.

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