Chapter 2- Let Me Fight!

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             For centuries all over the world, women have been denied access to become anything that is deemed to be a 'Masculine' trait. Like being a hunter or a soldier in battle. Women are always being limited to being wives and mothers who do nothing but stay at home and cook, then wait for their husbands to return. It's a pathetic way to prove women are only here to serve men. Which is far from true.

             Eighty years ago, the first warrior woman of Aldoria came into existence by secretly joining the army and single-handedly slaying over two hundred enemy soldiers including their General. And the only way she was able to pull that of was by disguising herself as a man and training to become the fierce soldier that she was. The Great 'Nadia Shaw'.

             Because of her women are now allowed to become more than just housewives, she encouraged millions of women all over the world to step out of their comfort zones and become something great. Women joined the military, some became scholars and philosophers, others inventors and what not. She passed away sixteen years ago at eighty-seven years old, just shortly after I was born, but her legacy will never be forgotten. She has her own statue built next to the all girls school named after her somewhere in the regional side of Aldoria.

              She was my hero. Even though I never got to meet her that doesn't mean I don't want to be just like her. If only my father will let me join the military like he did for my brother.

              Every royal as soon as they turn eighteen must join the military for two years to serve their country and prove their worth as proper and loyal citizens of Aldoria. But up till now this rule has only applied to the sons in the family and not the daughters, because apparently princesses shouldn't fight and they certainly have no place in war or combat, instead they should be more focused on looking 'presentable' and 'classy'. But I want to be the first and show them whose 'presentable' and 'classy'.

               Although it is not uncommon to find women in the military now because of Nadia's encouragement, that doesn't mean the men don't outnumber the women ten to one, only the best of the best and insanely skilled women get admitted into the military. 'Coincidentally' it is much easier for a man to join than a woman, but it doesn't matter because I know I've got what it takes, not because of princess privilege but because I'm the most skilled person in archery and Pegasus riding in this whole kingdom if I do say so myself. Well, most people don't know that, but my escorts do, because those are my favorite hobbies and I always do them whenever I have free time. And now it's time to show those dickheads what I can do and that I do deserve to join the military.


"Are you trying to get beheaded Councilman Klein?" My father growls lowly clenching his jaw due to all the frustration from this meeting.

      We've been stuck in this meeting for three hours now, I'm exhausted and incredibly bored especially since none of the young and cute Councilmen showed up, only the ugly old ones.

      My father's been pretty frustrated since this meeting began, and I can't blame him these old Councilmen are way too slow and their backward way of thinking is not helping anyone. They keep suggesting such ridiculous ideas on how we are solve the issue of spies coming into our country.

      Lately, there's been a breach in one of our borderline security, and hundreds of refugees were able to get past it and come into our country. The refugees are probably Galdorians who fled their country and are seeking for refuge here in Aldoria.

      I forgot to mention it but, Aldoria and Galdora have been at a cold war for the past thirty-five years now. And it traces back to a century ago when the kingdoms were supposed to unite by Galdora sending one of their princesses to marry one of our princes, who was my Great-Grand uncle. But something tragic happened on their wedding night, they both were found dead on the ground with stabs on the prince and a knife in the princess's chest. Now Aldorians believe the princess murdered him and probably killed herself because she didn't want to face any of the repercussions. But then the Galdorians believe an assassin had snuck into the palace that night and murdered both of them, they blame the lack of serious security in Aldoria since the attack occurred while the couple was in Aldoria's territory, and they sought out revenge for the death of their princess. Although nothing much had happened at that time. With both nations developing and progressing faster than ever before they feared one nation might launch an attack on the other. There really weren't much of threats or anything to be worried about in those sixty-five years as both countries seemed to have moved past the incident and had put it behind them.

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