Mom, Bless Us!

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I settled the table. Mom's work.

Aarav and Rith are both in front of me.

"Ok so?", I said.

Rith's fork fell off. He was stumbling.

"Aarav's father also stumbled like that when he asked my parents for marriage", I told Rith.

"I am sorry! It is just. I never... I just... umm...", Rith was stammering. I can sense it was his first time meeting his SO's parents.

Aarav gently holded his hands. In front of me? Relax, I am his mom. I am his mom!

"It's okay Rith. This is his first time here", Aarav said to me. Rith noded in agreement.

"So, tell me something about you Rith?", I just wanted to know about the person who my boy loves so much, to whom he gave my part of chicken.

"I am sorry, you can take this!", Rith panicked.

"You can keep this. She is just kidding... MOMMMM!", Aarav exclaimed at me, with broad open big doe eyes.

"Okok! I will not tease you people", I told them laughingly. Rith also smiled.

"So?", I said facing towards Rith.

"I am Rith.... obviously... currently Aarav's boyfriend. I am from Lucknow and studying in Electrical branch", he said to me.

"Oh nice! Btw you know what, Aarav's dad is also an IITian!", I told Rith. He was surprised.

"Which IIT?", he asked me back.

"It's same as yours!", I replied him back.

"Wait seriously!"


"WOWW, thats amazing!"

"Also do you have any hobbies, Aarav have none! I would love to know yours!", Aarav was eyeing me. Rith smiled a little watching him getting frustated.

"I dance!"

"Wait what!"

"Aarav's father is also a dancer! I mean he did graduate from IIT, but he chose dance as his mainstream profession!"

"What! What's his name!!"

"Andy Alver"

"OMG!!!! Andy Alver?????"

I was surprised watching Rith!

"They are my idol, they were one of the founders of Sync, our dance society at IIT Delhi. They are a wonderfull Voguer. I love to vogue. I have watched so many videos of hem?", Rith was so excited while saying these words. He did not eat even a single bite since we started to talk about Andy. Andy was the same, all excited.

"Aarav! You never told me that!", Rith faced towards Aarav.

"I mean, you never asked!", Aarav replied back.

"Oh! shut up! You always knew I do vogue!", Rith put his argument back.

"I mean I know, but how would I know that you would know my father before that?", Aarav replied back.

"Ohh, you leave it. You kept it a secret all the way to blast it on me this wayy...", Rith was so amused.

"You both are a perfect match for boyfriends!", I said cutting them both.

"Mommm!", Aarav showed his eyes back to me. Rith was shy again.

"Ummm... I need to use bathroom...", Rith asked.

"On your right baby!", I told him back.

Rith left for bathroom. I turned my face back to Aarav.

"Wtf is wrong with that look?", I asked Aarav who was staring at me like I am some sort of murderer.

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