I Loved Him So Much!

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"So what were you saying huh?", Kiaan asked me.

I can see he was pissed? No he is not? His eyebrows are no raised like usual and he is smirking. I am confused now.

"What did I say Kiaan?", I asked him.

"You were not there because of me right?"

"No! I mean, I said it out of nowhere"

"Out of nowhere huh??...", he kicked me.

I kicked him back.

I ran as fast as I could to our room. He was chasing me. I could listen him running. I was laughing too. I pushed my friend to the side. He is probably lying in bucket I threw him into.

"I was just joking Kiaan"

"No you didn't"

"Please Sorry", I kept laughing and running as I was reaching our room.

"You need to be punished", Kiaan was yelling from back.

Whole hostel can hear us. He should stop.

I managed to get to the room first, I locked it. Kiaan is still outside.

"Ishir! Open the door", he called out from outside.

"No way!", I replied back. I pushed his table in front of the door to block it, for more safety.

"Okie I will not do anything!", Kiaan was yelling while he was banging the door.

"No you are a lier!", I said.

"Ishir I am telling the truth!", he was giggling outside, I know it's a trap.

We kept on arguing for like 2 minutes when he gave up and..

"I am going back to Rith Sir!", he yelled as I hear footsteps receding from the door.

Is he gone? Seriously? I peeked through the hole in the door, he is not there. Is he really gone! Such a dumbass. He might be pretending I guess. This shit gets me everytime. I texted my friend from the other side, to check if Kiaan is still outside.

I opened the door.

"Got youuu!!!!!"

Kiaan was still there hiding. And my friend I called was giggling, Like what the actual phak.

"Where will you go now?"

He jumped on me saying these words, we fell on my bed.


He was silent.

I can smell him. His body. He is all sweating from the running and yelling outside. He tickled me. I laughed and begged him to stop.

"Stoppp Kiaan!", I begged him again and again.

"I can't! You need to be punished", he replied back.

He stopped for a second when our eyes met. I never found him so handsome before. His eyes are beautiful. He was staring at me.

Our eyes were matching when a sweat drop from his nose fell on my lower lip.

He kept watching me. He kept staring at my face then my eyes and then my lips.

My body is not working fine. There is something wrong. I-

My body is not responding. I am paralysed I guess. He is so warm. His body is radiating heat.

"Why did you stop?", I asked him.

"Nothing!", he said moving and whirring his head as if he was in thoughts.

He had clutched my hands badly. I can't escape his hold. He is powerfull. His aura is dark and handsome.

"I cannot!", he said with whisper sound.

"Me either!", I replied without even knowing the context.

"My body is getting warm!", he told me.

"Mine too!", I told him back.

"Ishir! You have grounded me. You are... you are.... Sorry... I am not able to stop myself", he was babbling random stuffs as if his mind was somewhere else.

I broke his babbling.

"Punish me!"

He stopped and suddenly reached my lower lip and licked the sweat drop on it. He kissed me badly. I can feel his lips on mine. His hold was getting lighter. I am lost I guess. My brain is not working now I guess. I just cannot feel anything beside me and Kiaan. I think I don't even feel myself. His warmness is spreading to my body. He is licking my lips. My tongue. I-

He is rubbing his legs between mine.

"Kiaan!", I begged him.

"Ishir!", he said with his eyes closed my still kissing and clutching my face. He is reaching for my hairs, "I cannot stop now, it's your fault".

He is making my heartbeat faster. I am skipping beats. I cannot breathe properly. I am skipping breathes.

He was reaching for my tshirt.

"The door!", I rebelled again.

He closed it off with a kick and kicked again to shift the table in front of it. His leg muscles are so thick and defined. I could see them.

"You are so addictive Ishir! Your eyes, your smell, your sweat, your lips, your everything", he kept on repeating these words to me.

He kissed me again. He is smooching my lips. My mind was watching him do everything. My eyes were closed. He was Kiaan, I was repeating in my mind. I was gasping for breathe as his skin was touching mine.

"Aaahh..... KIAAN", he bit me on my lips, it did hurt, in a weirdly pleasant manner I guess. I would have kicked someone, but I wanted to him to do it again.

And he did it again. As if he can read me through my body, my movements and my voice?

I bit him back too. They taste fruity, they taste sweet.

He removed my glasses and his own too. He was sitting over me. His tall figure is something new today. He removed his Tshirt. His body never looked do addictive till now. He is different today. My body is responding different. It's weird and at the same time pleasurable.

"Give me permission Ishir!", Kiaan asked me with his whispering voice. His voice makes me go flutter.

"Yes", I said again without knowing any context. I just wanted him to do anything to me right now. I was his, he was mine.

As I said yes, without a second delay, he pushed me back on the bed, climbed on me. Got hold of my Tshirt and was removing it. I tried stopping his hand by clutching it.

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