An Old Friend

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The whatsapp texts -

Someone: "Maybe we can meet Rith?"

Rith: "Hey! How are you?"

Rith: "After 4 months? I thought you blocked me"

Someone: "I did"

Rith: "Then you suddenly remember me"

Someone: "It was difficult for me"

Rith: "It was for me too but you forgot me"

Someone: "But you did that, you created a blunder"

Rith: "What blunder?"

Someone: "That night?"

Rith: "I have forgotten that. I don't remember things that hurts me. I am not a good person at all. I have no intentions to be a house breaker anymore"

Someone: "Can we meet atleast".

Rith: "I am at point of my life where I just don't care anymore. Fuck everyone around me. Love those who loves you"

Someone: "Can we meet atleast".

Rith: "Obviously, I have no grudge against you. I don't hate you. You are my friend haha"

Someone: "Where?"

Rith: "You say!"

Someone: "At AMUL tomorrow. After HUL course class? At 5 pm?"

Rith: "Cool works."

Huh? Why is Rith here at AMUL?

"Hey Rith!", I said, "you don't have HUL Class? I remember that you don't! "

"I do not Unnu but, I have someone I had to meet!"

"Aahh I see", I smirked at him.

He laughed and was the typical Rith this time. I guess he is okay. He ran very wierdly that day.

"Why did you run that day?", I asked him.

"Which day", he asked me.

"Umm, the day you met Aarav", I asked him back.

"Ahh... Ummm.... I had practice", he was contantly looking for someone. He was lying. He doesn't know how to lie. Bitch.

"Okiie! I will accept that excuse", I told him. He didn't listen me clearly.

"Vyllet is also coming in a few mins", I told him. He is still not hearing. I just cannot figure out this guy sometimes. He is mysterious.

"Hi!", he said out of nowhere. There was a guy bidding him hi back.

"I will be back", he told me. I sat on the bench beside me waiting for vyllet to come. They both were two benches away. I can still hear them. I will eavesdrop, sorry bitch. My friend is meeting someone finally, a guy. OMG.

I can still hear them talking. Oh also vyllet is here.

"How are you Unnu, what you wanna eat?", Vyllet asked me.

"There is a better feast here", I told them.

"What do you mean", they asked me, with big open eyes and scrunched face.

"Rith is meeting someone nearby, I can hear them?", I told them. They raised their eyebrows and open big doe eyes.

"Wtf? It is wrong to eavesdrop", they told me with a sigh, "but who cares!", they contiued. We both laughed.

We can hear them talking as they say...

Rith: "How are you?"

Someone: " I am good?"

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